Asking for Help A Second Time

Here is a plea for help from my friend and blogger, Steven, at Book Reviews and More, who was off work for 30 months with an injury, and is in need of assistance to provide for the basic needs of his family:

I was told my original request was not clear. We need help to make ends meet, specifically rent that is due this week. I was not asking for help to keep the blog going. I was asking for help to meet our needs, diapers, formula, gas, groceries ...

I have always had a hard time asking for and accepting help. I know it is a personal character defect and have been working on it. I once had a friend accuse me of robbing others of the blessing of giving, because I would not ask for help to go on a retreat even though over the few years prior to that I had sponsored others going.Well It is time to ask for help again. As many of you know I was off work for 30 months with an injury, that took place at work. I am thankful that I have retrained and am now employed full time. You can read my three part series called From Injury Back to Work Again. However we are still feeling the financial stress that time off work caused, and the emotional stress the financial causes. Therefore much as Kathy Shaidle started a drive for help 18 months ago for me (see here, here and here). But I am here again asking for some help.

The time off work was both a blessing and a trial. It was hard because of the stresses of the injury and dealing with the pain. It was a blessing because I was able to attend Mass almost every day, I was able to pray the whole rosary each day. But as the time went from months to years spiritually it became very tiring. Spiritually and emotionally it became a desert. We also had our first two children during my time off work, which added both blessings and greater financial stress.

We have 2 children 2 and under and my wife is now back to work evenings and weekends. But it will take a while for us to fully recover from my time off work. So if you can see your way to help support us make ends meet at this time, it would really help till we get caught up. We would really appreciate it. So thank you in advance. You can use the PayPal Donate Button on the sidebar. I have done just about everything I can, I have sold my entire DVD library, and almost three quarters of my books. Asking for help is our last option.

My Comments: This is a very humbling and hard thing to do for many of us. I pray that many will reach out to Steven and his family in their time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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