"We don't have a debt crisis, we have a death crisis!"

Killing the Economy: Dennis Howard's "Elephant in the Living Room"

Although it would be simplistic to blame the current financial crisis on America's propensity for killing the unborn, it is equally simplistic to pretend, as many do, that the two have absolutely no correlation.

Demographic researcher Dennis Howard predicted the long-term economic consequences of abortion in his 1997 book, The Abortion Bomb: America's Demographic Disaster. He wrote, "I see little hope that we can avoid an eventual crash on Wall Street that will make the 1930’s look like cashing in your cards after a bad game of Monopoly."

Well, the S&P 500 has not quite reached the levels characteristic of the Great Depression, but the most recent charts are beginning to bear more than a passing resemblance to those of that era.

Howard, whose background is in market research and investigative reporting, has been tracking the effects of institutionalized abortion on the American economy since 1995, and predicted the downturn that we now find ourselves in. "No matter how you slice it," writes Howard in a 2008 piece entitled The $35 Trillion Elephant in the Living Room, "aggressive 'population control' exacts a huge price in future economic growth that can never be recovered. Indeed, it is a loss that reverberates through all future generations. Without an enormous new Baby Boom lasting another 40 or 50 years, that growth is lost forever."

"We don’t have a debt crisis," he continued, "we have a death crisis." MORE


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