Pro-Abortion Activists Renew Attacks on Pregnancy Resource Centers

Feminists who gathered for a conference last week in Washington, D.C., said President Barack Obama’s pro-abortion mandate is likely to unite the pro-life movement like it did during Bill Clinton’s two terms as president. Panelists said that meant there is a need to renew efforts to discredit the pro-life movement, including defeating legislation that would support pregnancy resource centers.

In reference to that end, Christina Page, author of “How the Pro-Choice Movement Saved America,” noted the Pregnant Women Support Act, sponsored by Sen. Bob Casey (D-Penn.) in the 100th Congress and reintroduced in the Senate in January. The act calls for a range of programs to help women facing unplanned pregnancies who decide to carry their child to term, including counseling, pre-natal and postnatal health care, and the funding of “Life Support Centers to offer comprehensive and supportive services for pregnant women, mothers and children.”

The act calls for a range of programs to help women facing unplanned pregnancies who decide to carry their child to term, including counseling, pre-natal and postnatal health care, and the funding of “Life Support Centers to offer comprehensive and supportive services for pregnant women, mothers and children.”

“This was his attempt to say, ‘Hey listen, we can provide support for women who may not ordinarily want to terminate if they had more support,’ ” Page said. “It’s a problematic bill. One of the things it does is (support) crisis pregnancy centers and that’s a non-starter.”

“We’re not going to ever step up to the plate and accept that health centers that mislead women should get any federal money,” Page said.

Page and other pro-abortion activists and organizations claim that pro-life centers mislead women by giving them inaccurate medical information, including using untrained staff to perform ultrasounds; frightening women by telling them about the harm an abortion can cause and lying about pregnancy test results to trick women into waiting until it is too late to have an abortion. Article

Of course, we all know these are the lies that the pro-aborts spread in an attempt to encourage more abortions and get more money into the hands of abortionists. The truth is that crisis pregnancy centers use trained workers to determine whether or not the woman is pregnant and share the truth with her -- they do everything they can to help both the mother and the baby.

What the pro-aborts want is more abortions -- more babies killed and more mothers maimed or murdered by the abortionists -- who often get off scott free. The abortion business brings in megabucks and they want to keep that blood-money flowing. Crisis pregnancy centers give the mother options and make no money regardless of what the mother chooses -- they have no financial interest in the mother's choice, but abortion centers do. They often coerce women into having abortions and cover up incest, and rape. They do it all for the money. They don't care about the woman or the baby she's carrying. If they did, they would try to protect her from such a traumatic ordeal. They would try to save the baby girl / boy she is carrying and help her with her financial, physical, spiritual and emotional needs, as they do at crisis pregnancy centers.

As far as tricking women into waiting until it is too late to have an abortion -- a woman can always go to a late-term abortionist like George Tiller -- there is no such thing as too late there (Just read the posts below.)

If you want to check out Cristina Page's credibility, just go here.

Related Posts on Catholic Fire:

Illegal Deception Scheme Uncovered at Tiller's

Shocking Eyewitness Confession: Live Infant Stabbed To Death By Tiller Abortionist Shelley Sella

Crisis Pregnancy Centers Vs. Planned Parenthood

More Information:

Inside Catholic: Uniting under the Pregnant Women Support Act?

Insight Scoop: Signs of real hope by Tim Drake


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