Recent Posts On Catholic Fire ~ March 29 - March 31, 2009

News You Can Use: Grocery Cost Cutters First Sebelius Hearing Generates More Questions than Answers on Abortion In Memory of Terri on the 4th Anniversary of Her Death Fr. Baron Reviews Slumdog Millionaire Cardinal George: Notre Dame Decision an "Extreme Embarrassment" Holy Cross Superior General Asks Obama to Rethink His Position on Abortion Laura Ingraham Reacts to Notre Dame Scandal Bishops to enforce cannon 915 in DC '57 grad of Notre Dame Phil Donohue Debates Fr. Morris on ND Scandal Obama Nominee compares mothers to “slaves,” “losers in the contraceptive lottery” Patrick Buchanan: Is Notre Dame Still Catholic? Stop Sebelius! Confirmation Hearings Begin Tomorrow Catholic Church in America Has Bred Her Own Destroyers: Obama Exploiting it St. John Climacus: My Favorite Quotes Parental Rights: Who will raise your kids? Dolan On Notre Dame Decision: "They made a big mistake" Notre Dame Alumni Protest Obama Invitation Our Lady of Guadalupe, Miracles, and Hum...