Stop Sebelius! Confirmation Hearings Begin Tomorrow

Urgent Action Alert!


Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius will testify tomorrow, March 31, at 10:00 am EDT before the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee to examine her nomination to the cabinet post of Secretary of Health and Human Services. This hearing is a courtesy and no vote will be taken on her nomination at that time.

Sebelius will then appear before the U.S. Senate Finance Committee for examination on Thursday, April 2, at 10:00 AM EDT. They will vote on her confirmation. If the vote is not unanimous, her nomination will then go to the full Senate.

"Gov. Sebelius is unfit to serve as Secretary of HHS because she owes her career to support from the radical the abortion lobby. As HHS Secretary, she will have a platform whereby she can influence abortion policy, which could cost thousands of innocent lives," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.

"The fact that she entertained late-term abortionist George Tiller and his entire abortion clinic staff at the Governor's mansion, then tried to cover it up, shows that she lacks the good judgment for such an important post."

"We strongly urge pro-life supporters to phone their Senators today and voice their opposition to Sebelius' confirmation to the post of HHS Secretary," said Newman.


Background on why Sebelius is unfit to serve.

~ Via Operation Rescue.


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