Cardinal Rigali: Obama's Health Care Bill is "Seriously Deficient"
While expressing support for some kind of health care reform, Cardinal Justin Rigali, the chair of the U.S. Bishops’ Secretariat on Pro-Life Activities, says the present reform proposal is “seriously deficient” because it bypasses restrictions on the federal funding of abortion and allows federal officials to make unlimited abortion a mandated benefit.
Yes, I agree with this. Obama's health care reform plan forces taxpayers to pay for abortions, which violates their consciences and forces them to finance legislation, which is not only immoral, but is destructive to a human being's physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being. Abortion -- the murder of another human being and the maiming of that child's mother-- is an intrinsically evil act.
Abortion is not health care -- it is death care!
Writing in an August 11 letter to each member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Cardinal Rigali noted that the U.S. Catholic bishops view health care as a basic human right. They have long supported health care reform that “respects human life and dignity from conception to natural death” and provides access to quality health care for all, especially immigrants and the poor.
If health care is a basic human right then we need to reach out to all Americans. There are many " middle class citizens" in this country who do not have health insurance and who are being denied assistance because they do not meet certain rigid standards written into the law. Most of these individuals were born and worked in this country for many years and have paid their dues. Some are veterans, some are disabled but do not technically "qualify" for health care. Let's meet their health insurance needs first before offering illegal immigrants free health care insurance at their expense. Who is going to pay for this plan and be penalized financially? The average American citizen who most likely is without full-time employment now due to the Obama administration's outrageous spending.
Cardinal Rigali said his present letter concerned the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act (H.R. 3200) and related legislation, emphasizing that respect for human life and the rights of conscience is a “fundamental requirement.”
“Much-needed reform must not become a vehicle for promoting an ‘abortion rights’ agenda or reversing longstanding policies against federal funding and mandated coverage of abortion,” the cardinal wrote, echoing his July 29 letter to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
That is exactly the intention of this legislation! It is FOCA in disguise.
“In this sense we urge you to make this legislation ‘abortion neutral,’ by preserving longstanding federal policies that prevent government promotion of abortion and respect conscience rights.”
He described the proposed health care act as “seriously deficient” in that it delegates to the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) the power to make unlimited abortion a mandated benefit in the health insurance plan the government will manage.
"Seriously deficient" is a polite way of saying "It stinks!"
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