First US Bishop Criticizes the Scandal of the Kennedy Funeral

  "There was so much wrong with the funeral liturgy celebrated in Boston last Saturday for Senator Edward Moore Kennedy that I hardly know where to begin."

"Aside from the impropriety of such a grandiose celebration for one of the country's most notorious dissident Catholics, the 'celebration' was filled with liturgical errors and transgressions against the General Instruction of the Roman Missal which governs every celebration of the Church's liturgy."

~ Bishop Rene Henry Gracida

Read the entire story here.


  1. I find the funeral a scandal. Starting with someone who is not a priest or deacon to give the homily to what was prayed for during the prayers of intersession.

    One thing I was told they prayed for was the passage of the homosexual agenda. First of all God cannot grant this prayer because He cannot go against Himself. Second, to allow this to be prayed is a sacriledge. The priest in charge is committing a grave sin.


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