Saint Adrian of Canterbury

Today's saint of the day is St. Adrian of Canterbury.  St. Adrian was born in Africa in the seventh century and became a Benedictine abbot of a monastery near Naples, Italy. Pope Vitalian chose Adrian to be the Archbishop of Canterbury but he declined, citing his unworthiness, and persuaded the pope to ordain St. Theodore of Tarsus, a Greek monk, instead. The pope agreed and assigned Adrian to be Theodore's companion, assistant, and adviser. Theodore was consecrated archbishop of Canterbury and the two set sail for England.

Theodore then appointed Adrian as abbot of Saints Peter and Paul monastery (which later changed its name to St. Augustine’s in Canterbury.) There he established a flourishing monastic school, where many future bishops and abbots were educated in Latin, Greek, scripture, theology, Roman law and arithmetic. Under his driection, the School of Canterbury became the center of English learning. He taught there thirty-nine years and then died on January 9, 710.


January 9 (truth)

O Holy Spirit, Saint Adrian was a highly successful missionary in pagan England, and a great teacher of Bible study. I ask for his same gift of explaining the Faith and understanding the teachings of the Church and the Sacred Scriptures. Anoint me with Your Truth, so that I may be protected from errors and deceptions. Help me to lovingly educate others in how to grow in holiness through what You have revealed in the Bible and the Sacred Traditions of Christianity. Keep me from becoming prideful in my knowledge, and remind me that my most important teaching tool is how I live my life. Saint Adrian, pray for me. Amen.

~ Taken from Daily Prayers with the Saints by Terry Ann Modica


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