Memorial Day Tribute 2010

This post is dedicated to all our military heroes -- especially those in my own family -- my dad, my brother, Michael, my sister, Susan, and my brother-in-law, Heinz. Thank you for your service! Poem: "These Heroes All" by Kelly Kirkpatrick Standing guard o'ver Heaven's bounds, to duty called by God, Harkening when the trumpets sound Saint Michael's call aloud, Is a holy, brave brigade of men and women bold, Though their earthly life they've paid, o'er none has death a hold. Heroes all, in virtue steeped, immune to evil's touch, They now with angels vigil keep and still watch over us. Partnered with Almighty God, alive for evermore, Members of His Honor Squad and free on wings to soar. Each fell in bloody battle hard that we might e'er live free, Sacrificed on razored shards of cruel destiny. Let not the banner they held proud, their caskets now which grace, Lie in tatters as a shroud: forgotten, soiled, disgraced. Raise it hi...