Interested in going green? Then Protest the Pill June 5
It’s not too late to be a co-sponsor! To be a co-sponsor simply means that you support the Pill Kills event and that your organization’s name will be included in promotional items. If your group is planning an actual event (prayer gathering, picket, etc.), ALL will help generate awareness of that activity by issuing media releases in your community. We would like you to establish a presence outside of Planned Parenthood, other abortion facilities or local pharmacies on June 5. Please contact us with the information at
You can begin advertising your local event now by downloading and printing the flyer at Include it in your next mailing and/or church bulletin, distribute it to other local pro-life groups and pregnancy help centers and post it on community bulletin boards.
Having a large coalition of pro-life groups sponsoring this event will bring greater awareness of the contraceptive mentality and our fight against it. Your group and your activities will be vital components in educating the public on the many dangers of the pill and its effects, not only on preborn children and women, but on our environment as well. Ending the use of the birth control pill will ultimately bring about recognition of every human person’s dignity and also help to end the scourge of abortion and Planned Parenthood.
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