Great News! Kansas House Overrides Abortion Veto!

Praise the Lord!

By a vote of 86-35-4, the Kansas House today achieved a Pro Life override victory over Gov. Mark Parkinson's veto of HB 2115, sending the measure to the Senate for their vote on override.

Kathy Ostrowski, Legislative Director of Kansans for Life said:

"The Governor's veto would have welcomed late-term abortionists to set up shop in continued violation of Kansas' 1998 post-viability abortion ban, and the Kansas House rebuked that welcome.

"HB 2115 tells the state health agency to stop the abortion reporting abuse, tells the state Medical Board to take away medical licenses for abortion crimes, and tells the victims of criminal abortion they can take it to court.

"Friday's first attempt at override was unsuccessful due to the absence of 2 pro-lifers and games-playing by Democrats 'sometime-pro-lifers.'  Today's vote was procedurally the only chance at reconsideration, and was held over when the House adjournded abruptly as a pro-life maneuver to garner the missing votes today.

"We are working to secure support in the Senate for them to reach a 27 vote override. We hope the Senate will consider the override quickly and vote to the adopt the Houses serious stance against abortion crime and state agency collusion."

"We thank the many Kansas citizens who urged their state representative to vote for override and we encourage them to now contact their state Senator and urge them to do the same."


  1. Look what happens when Tiller the Killer isn't here to buy off politicians...


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