Troy Newman Speaks on Behalf of Aborted Babies in MSNBC Documentary on Tiller Murder

Wichita, KS – MSNBC will air a documentary about the murder of late-term abortionist George Tiller on Monday evening, October 25, 2010. Producers of the documentary heavily relied on Operation Rescue files and interviewed Operation Rescue President Troy Newman for the program.

“We completely understand the liberal bent of MSNBC and expect it to be heavily slanted toward the pro-abortion position. We were concerned with the involvement of talk show host Rachel Maddow, who is a radical abortion apologist who has grossly mischaracterized Operation Rescue and members of our staff on her nightly program. Never the less, we felt it was necessary to participate for several reasons,” said Newman.

The producers of the documentary wanted to tell two stories, that of the “saintly” George Tiller and that of Scott Roeder the “devil.”

“We agreed to do the show — even though we knew they would vilify us — because we had a third story to tell, and that is the story of the tens of thousands of innocent babies killed by abortion during Tiller’s long and checkered abortion career,” said Newman. “It remains to be seen whether or not MSNBC allows that story to be told, but we hope they keep their word to do so.”

Read the entire story.


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