
Showing posts from November, 2012

German producers plan Pope Benedict biopic

MUNICH, Germany (Reuters) - Two German producers have bought the film rights to an upcoming biography of Pope Benedict by the Bavarian author of three best-selling interview books with the pontiff. The Odeon Film company said producers Marcus Mende and Peter Weckert planned a film for international release based on a biography by journalist Peter Seewald due to be published in early 2014. Read the full story.

US birth rate hits new low

The birth rate in the US has fallen to its lowest level in recorded history. The Pew Research Center reports that the birth rate in 2011—the last year for which figures are available—was 63.2 per 1,000 women of childbearing age. That rate shows a decline of 8% since 2007. During the “baby boom” in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the US birth rate was well over 100, peaking at 122.7—nearly double the 2011 rate—in 1957. The birth rate among native-born American women was even lower than the overall rate, at 58.9. Foreign-born mothers, who account for only 17% of the American women of childbearing age, produced 23% of the babies. Yet the birth rate among foreign-born women dropped in 2011 by 14%-- much faster than the rate for native-born American women.

Gregorian chant for Advent


What is an advent wreath?

30 November, 2012 ( With the arrival of Christmas, many Catholic families begin to decorate in preparation for the birth of Jesus. One of many holiday traditions still standing today, especially in Germany, includes the use of a decorative advent wreath. Its origin is traced to Hamburg, in northern Germany. The children of an orphanage, excited about the arrival of Christmas, would ask how many days until it arrived. In 1839, the director took an old cartwheel and decorated it with small leaves. He added 24 candles, which they would light up each day, leading up to Christmas. MONS. THOMAS FRAUENLOB Collegio Teutonico del Campo Santo (Vatican) “This idea is followed by a tradition with only 4 candles. It symbolizes the light that grows with each passing Sunday, until the moment the new year and the Savior are born.” Each Sunday of Advent, a candle is lit, in the order of how one makes the sign of the cross. This continues until all four are lit, in anticipatio...

Vatican welcomes enhanced status for Palestine at the UN, pushes special status for Jerusalem

30 November, 2012 ( The Holy See welcomed favorably the United Nations' vote to upgrade Palestinian status from permanent observer entity to a non-member observer state. The lopsided vote in the world governing body's General Assembly grants Palestine the same recognition as Vatican City. The Vatican released a statement also voicing its support for a two state solution, and called on Palestinian and Israeli leaders to resume bilateral negotiations to achieve peace and the creation of an independent Palestinian state. In addition, the statement backed the Vatican's request for a special statute guaranteeing freedom of religion and access for Jerusalem, which both Israel and Palestine claim as capitals of their respective countries.

St. Andrew the Apostle

St. Andrew, son of Jonah, was born at Bethsaida in Galilee. He was a disciple of John the Baptist and became one of the first to follow Jesus, to whom he brought his brother, Simon Peter. Both were fishermen and at the beginning of Our Lord's public life occupied the same house at Capharnaum. As one of the twelve apostles, Andrew was very close to Our Lord during His public life; he was present at the Last Supper; beheld the risen Lord; witnessed the Ascension; shared in the graces and gifts of the first Pentecost, and helped, amid threats and persecution, to establish the Faith in Palestine. He was crucified by order of the Roman Governor at Patras in southern Greece on a cross which was in the form of an "X". This type of cross has long been known as "St. Andrew's cross." He was martyred during the reign of Nero, on November 30, 60 A.D. St. Andrew's relics were transferred from Patras to Constantinople, and deposited in the church of the Apos...

Novena for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

Today, November 29, the novena to the Immaculate Conception begins; however, since I am posting this in the evening -- a little late -- the Novena can also be started on Nov 30 and end on Dec 8. PRAYER TO THE  IMMACULATE CONCEPTION  O God,  who by the Immaculate Conception   of the Blessed Virgin Mary,   did prepare a worthy dwelling place for Your Son,   we beseech You that, as by the foreseen death of this, Your Son, You did preserve Her from all stain,   so too You would permit us, purified through Her intercession,  to come unto You.   Through the same Lord Jesus Christ,  Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end. Amen.    Day One -Nov 29 O most Holy Virgin, who was pleasing to the Lord and became His mother, immaculate in body and spirit, in faith and in love, look kindly on me as I implore your powerful intercession. O most Holy M...


Praise God! A victory for religious liberty! A federal appeals court has agreed with three U.S. district judges and blocked the enforcement of the Obamacare “mandate” that would have forced a Missouri company to pay for health insurance including abortifacients in violation of the religious beliefs of the owners. The order from a three-judge panel of the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is the first from the appellate level among the dozens of cases challenging the Obamacare mandate. According to officials with the American Center for Law and Justice, the order puts on hold the White House-promoted requirement in the case involving Frank R. O’Brien and O’Brien Industrial Holdings, a St. Louis, Mo., company that runs a number of businesses that explore, mine and process refractory and ceramic raw materials. “By granting our motion, the appeals court blocks the implementation of the HHS mandate and clears the way for our lawsuit to continue – a significant victory for our cli...

Cardinal Sean O'Malley: New evangelization places emphasis on the individual

November 29, 2012. ( One month into the Year of Faith, churches in the United States and around the globe are finding new ways to reach out to believers. Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Sean O'Malley says making it a success is largely dependent on each person. CARD. SEAN PATRICK O'MALLEY Archbishop of Boston (USA) “In great part the effectiveness of the new evangelization is going to be the individual believers who are convinced that they need to talk to other people about their faith and invite others to be a part of our believing family.” His archdiocese includes nearly half a million students from Harvard and dozens of other colleges and universities. O'Malley says that in itself creates a large advantage. He is on the lookout for different ways to reach out to those students, and, it turn, have them become evangelizers. He cites an example from one of his priests back home. CARD. SEAN PATRICK O'MALLEY Archbishop of Boston (USA) “At...

New location unveiled for WYD 2013 main events in Rio

29 November, 2012 ( Rio de Janeiro's Guaratiba neighborhood will host the vigil on Saturday, July 27, and the closing Mass for World Youth Day 2013. The organizing committee made the decision during a last minute meeting. The original location was scheduled to be the Santa Cruz Air Force Base. However, organizers felt it would not be able to accommodate the more than 2 million people expected to attend. The world-renown Copacabana district will remain as the location for the first few events for  World Youth Day.

Fr. Robert Sirico: Fixing economic crisis requires financial and moral truth

I totally agree with Fr. Sirico that the government should play a lesser role in business affairs. I also think that the government should stop penalizing small businesses with high taxes, forcing them to go bankrupt, but should instead encourage incentives for small businesses. When you penalize small businesses, it is the employees who ultimately suffer. Entrepreneurs need to become more creative and provide a better product or service to attract new customers. The emphasis on certain statements below is mine. Rome, Italy, Nov 29, 2012 / 01:33 pm (CNA).- The solution to the ongoing economic troubles is to adopt a worldview that combines both economic and moral truths, Father Robert Sirico said as he presented his new book. Father Robert Sirico, co-founder of the Acton Institute think tank, introduced his book titled "Defending the Free Market: the Moral Case for a Free Economy" on Nov. 28 in Rome. "I wrote the book because I was concerned that there's su...

Blessed Bernardo de Hoyos

On April 18, 2010, Fr. Bernardo Francisco de Hoyos, SJ, considered the first apostle of the Sacred Heart in Spain, was beatified in Valladolid. Today is his feast day. Bernardo Francisco de Hoyos was born in Torrelobatón, a municipality located in the province of Valladolid in Spain on August 21, 1711—that is 300 years to the day of the Vigil and Mass in Madrid Spain—which is part of the background to the request that the Holy Father consecrate the youth of the world to the Sacred Heart, which he did at the close of the tempestuous vigil service and Eucharistic adoration. The young Bernardo studied in the Jesuit school in Medina del Campo and was so drawn to the Jesuit way of life that, at the age of 14, he wanted to enter the Society of Jesus. Not without difficulty—because of his young age and perceived physical weakness—Bernardo was accepted into the novitiate in 1726. During his two years as a novice, Aloysius Gonzaga and Stanislaus Kostka, fondly called "boy saints,...

Our Lady of Beauraing

NOTE: The Catholic Church has approved this Marian apparition. Today is the anniversary of the first visions at Beauraing, Belgium. From November 29, 1932 to January 3, 1933, Mary appeared multiple times to five children in the small town of Beauraing in French-speaking Belgium. Identifying herself as "the Immaculate Virgin" and "Mother of God, Queen of Heaven," she called for prayer for the conversion of sinners. Description of the Virgin The Virgin Mary appeared as a beautiful lady in white walking above the bridge and the grotto by the convent with clouds covering her feet. The Virgin, with hands joined and turned toward the sky, carried a rosary hanging from her right arm. During the five last apparitions, she showed a heart of gold, surrounded by rays, on her chest. Visionaries The children belonged to two families: the Voisins (Fernande, 15 years; Berthe, 13 years; and Albert 11 years) and the Degeimbres (Andre, 14 years, and Gilberte, 9 y...

Fr. Barron on Vatican II: The Greatest Meeting of all Time


The Meaning of Vatican II: A Commentary by Fr. Barron


Worldwide justice ministers meet in Rome to discuss abolition of death penalty

November 28, 2012. ( Representatives from two dozen countries, including several justice ministers, met in Rome to discuss progress on the abolition of the death penalty during a conference organized by the Catholic group Community of St. Egidio. The event marks the tenth anniversary of the “Cities for Life” Campaign. A movement that aims to abolish capital punishment and raise public awareness on the issue. MARCO IMPAGLIAZZO President, Community of Saint Egidio “The number of death sentences has luckily diminished throughout the world. But the numbers are still too high, 5,000 executions in 2011. This type of justice does not work because it does not give life.” The organizer, the Community of St. Egidio, is an ecumenical group recognized by the Catholic Church as a public lay association. They promote dialogue as a way to build peace, and also act as  mediators in international conflicts. So far, 23 countries around the globe have abolished the death pe...

Pope's general audience: How should Christians speak about God?

November 28, 2012. ( During Wednesday's general audience, the Pope continued his catechesis on the Year of Faith by addressing a key question: How should Christians talk about God to their fellow friends and family? “Dear Brothers and Sisters, In our continuing catechesis for the Year of Faith, we now consider the question of how we are to speak about God to our contemporaries, communicating the Christian faith as a response to the deepest longings of the human heart. This means bringing the God of Jesus Christ to the men and women of our time. It means bearing quiet and humble witness each day to the core of the Gospel message. This is the Good News of the God who is Love, who has drawn near to us in Jesus Christ even to the Cross, and who in the Resurrection brings us the hope and promise of eternal life. Jesus gave us an example: by his loving concern for people’s questions, struggles and needs, he led them to the Father. In the task of bringing God to o...

Five Things Catholics Need to Know Today

1. The decision by the Supreme Court Nov. 26 to direct the Fourth Circuit to hear Liberty University’s appeal from the dismissal of its lawsuit is the right one. There is a serious impact on religious freedom when the government can coerce a religious organization to provide sterilization and contraception, including abortion-inducing contraceptives, when these directly violate the beliefs of the religious group. The courts must consider how this impacts freedom of religion and whether it violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. 2. Christmas time might find some parish seminarians helping in their home parish. There are 5,015 seminarians enrolled in the United States, 3,346 enrolled in diocesan seminaries and 1,669 enrolled in religious-order seminaries. Read the rest here.

St. Catherine Laboure and the Miraculous Medal

Saint Catherine Laboure was born in Burgundy, France on May 2, 1806. The ninth of eleven children born to a farm family, she felt a call to the religious life from an early age. Catherine entered the community of the Daughters of Charity, in obedience to a vision of Saint Vincent de Paul, telling her that God wanted her to work with the sick. The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to St. Catherine Laboure, who was then a 24-year-old novice, three times. On July 18, 1830, the first apparition occurred in the community's motherhouse. St. Catherine saw a lady seated on the right side of the sanctuary. When St. Catherine approached her, the heavenly visitor told her how to act in time of trial and pointed to the altar as the source of all consolation. Promising to entrust St. Catherine with a mission which would cause her great suffering, the lady also predicted the anticlerical revolt which occurred at Paris in 1870. On November 27, the lady showed St. Catherine the medal of the Im...

Cardinal O'Brien on religious liberty


New Website for Pregnant Women

To better educate pregnant women, as well as deter them from even entering abortion clinics, Kansans for Life shepherded the "Women's Right to Know and See" law. Passed in 2009, the law gives women not only the option to see their child's ultrasound taken inside the abortion clinic, but also created a state health department-run website with real-time sonography of the developing unborn child. At , a scientifically accurate description of prenatal development accompanies a breathtaking day-by-day view inside the womb.

Obama Crucified

A painting that features President Obama posed as Jesus Christ crucified is on display at a community college art gallery in Boston. The painting by Michael D’Antuono is part of a larger exhibit called “Artists on the Stump – the Road to the White House 2012.” The painting is called “Truth” – and shows the president with his arms outstretched. A crown of thorns rests on his head. D'Antuono states: “The crucifixion of the president was meant metaphorically,” he told Fox News. “My intent was not to compare him to Jesus.” Read the full story at FOX News . Here's what  Bill Donohue, President of Catholic League, has to say about the painting: Michael D’Antuono is a left-wing artist known for exploiting racial tensions (e.g, depicting George Zimmerman as a Klansman and Trayvon Martin as a generous child). But now he has succumbed to a new low. D’Antuono’s painting of President Barack Obama with outstretched arms wearing a crown of thorns, against the backdrop...

Drop in abortion numbers could reflect changing attitudes

A new government report estimates the number of U.S. abortions dropped five percent in 2009, drawing praise from pro-life advocates and researchers who say the drop could be due in part to an increase in the numbers of pro-life Americans. Full Story.

Pope and Twitter: New tweets in December?

November 27, 2012. ( The Pope is no stranger to Twitter and now it seems like he could be using the social networking site more often. On Monday, December 3rd, the Vatican's communication department will discuss some of its new social media plans and that could very well include more posts from Benedict XVI on Twitter. The Pope's first tweet was sent back in June 2011, when the Vatican's website, launched its new and improved site, The Pope's tweet read in part “Praised be our Lord Jesus Christ! With my prayers and blessings, Benedict XVI.” He used twitter again during Lent. Then for World Communications Day, the Pope made a reference to twitter, by saying that even short, concise messages, sometimes no longer than a Bible verse, can lead to provoking thoughts and deep reflections.

YouCat Intro: The Brothers in Black



THE GREATEST MIRACLE, an animated film that explores the hope and faith of the Roman Catholic Mass, is available on home video now from Arc Entertainment. Pick it up at retail outlets across the country, or order it now from Ignatius Press . You can read my review here. THE GREATEST MIRACLE is produced by Pablo Jose Barroso of Dos Corazones Productions, producer of the epic action adventure on Mexico's Cristero War, For Greater Glory. "We are very excited to bring THE GREATEST MIRACLE to home video," Barroso said. It tells a story that is founded in Catholic Church teaching … one that is bolstered daily by faithful people everywhere. Sometimes, we do not think about the mysterious things we cannot see. THE GREATEST MIRACLE portrays the unseen and miraculous events that unfold at every Mass." The story focuses on three people who find themselves at the same Catholic Mass because of crises they are struggling to endure. Going to Mass is not new to any of them ...

Feast of the Miraculous Medal

Today, November 27, we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Devotion to and wearing of the Miraculous Medal is second to the Rosary in popularity among traditional Catholic devotions. History In 1830, the Blessed Virgin Mary revealed the design of the Miraculous Medal to St. Catherine Laboure in an apparition. In Paris, on June 6, 1830, the Lord appeared to the young (age 24) Daughter of Charity novice Catherine at Mass, and again on the nights of July 18-19 when she was summoned to the chapel by a beautiful "child clothed in white" to converse with the Virgin Mary. Catherine was told prophecies and charged with "a mission" that manifested itself on November 27 in an early morning (5:30am) appearance of the Blessed Virgin who was "clothed in white" standing on a globe and "a serpent." Rays of light issued forth from rings on her fingers and Catherine was told to commission a medal of what she was seeing. Then, t...

50 Stocking Stuffers for Men

Check out the most original stocking stuffers for men I have ever seen. There are some great gift ideas here. The above is just one of the fifty items you will find at The Art of Manliness.

Music Review: Christmas in the Cloister

As I write this review, I am continuing to listen to the beautiful blend of angelic voices of the Cistercian nuns from Massachusetts, who are singing their hearts out for Jesus. I love Gregorian chant, but wondered exactly how this recording would sound for Christmas.  As soon as I began listening to it, I knew that it was just perfect for Christmas. The Cistercian nuns of Mount Saint Mary’s Abbey sing with heavenly voices the Christmas Midnight Mass, which is mysteriously enchanting and meditative.  It is so uplifting and soothing to the soul that it makes me feel relaxed and peaceful – just the mood I yearn for during the busy season. There are also ten Christmas carols which have an international flavor. Some of these include Silent Night from Austria, Susani, a German lullaby from the 16th century, the more lively Il est ne, from 17th century France, and the Coventry Carol from England. In Dulce Jubilo sung in both Latin and English is a cheerful, lively song that capt...

Pope's Angelus: Pray for the new cardinals

November 26, 2012. ( After celebrating Sunday Mass with the six new cardinals, the Pope led the Angelus. On the day when the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Christ the King, the Pope called on Christians to pray for the new cardinals. BENEDICT XVI “I invite everyone to pray for the six new cardinals created yesterday. May the Holy Spirit strengthen their faith and charity and fill them with spiritual gifts, so they may live with responsibility and dedication to Christ and His Kingdom.” The Pope also emphasized the universal reach of the Church, since the six new cardinals are non-Europeans. BENEDICT XVI “These new members of the College of Cardinals represent very well,  the universal dimension of the Church. They are pastors in the churches of Lebanon, India, Nigeria, Colombia, the Philippines and one of them has long served the Holy See.” With thousands of people gathered in St. Peter's Square, the Pope called on them to welcome God into their lives...

Supreme Court Orders New Look at Obamacare, Abortion Funding

Praise God! Obamacare is unconstitutional, as it forces taxpayers to fund abortions and contraception and violates religious liberty. Obamacare is just another trick this pro-death administration uses to get taxpayers to pay for abortions. It's about time someone saw through this ruse and used some common sense. Via  Steven Ertelt:  The Supreme Court today ordered a federal appeals court to take a new look at the controversial Obamacare law and whether it unconstitutionally forces taxpayers to fund abortions and contraception, violating religious freedoms. The high court ordered the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to consider the case of Liberty University, a Christian college that contends Obama’s health care law violates the school’s religious freedoms. A federal judge rejected the case and the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the lawsuit was premature but did not deal with the main points the lawsuit brought up. Full Story

What Saint started the 'Stations of the Cross' in the Coliseum?

November 25, 2012. ( A few meters from Rome's Colosseum is the Franciscan convent of St. Boniface. Back in1696 Leonardo da Porto Maurizio, discovered his calling at the age of 20. He was a friar who in a way prevented the demolition of the Coliseum by giving it a religious sense. He was appointed superior of the convent, but he actually decided to directly ask Pope Benedict XIV, if he could leave that position. His heart he said, was in preaching. He traveled Italy explaining the Gospel out in the streets with examples from everyday life. His preaching also made the Way of the Cross tradition more popular. ALESSANDRO CIAMEI Franciscan “At the time it was more of a prayer exercise,   but he asked for the Pope's permission to recite it in the vernacular. He did not invent the Way of the Cross, but he  was the first to give a name to each station, as we know them today.  Not in Latin but in the vernacular.” This room, which was actually an infirmar...

Benedict XVI bestows ring and red crest upon six new cardinals

November 24, 2012. ( Benedict XVI created six new cardinals Saturday morning at St. Peter's Basilica, bestowing upon them the traditional gold ring and red crest. The new cardinals include: Bechara Boutros Raï, Maronite Patriarch of Antioch, from Lebanon. Ruben Salazar Gomez, archbishop of Bogota, Colombia. John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan, archbishop of Abuja, Nigeria. James Michael Harvey, from the United States. New archpriest of the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls. Luis Antonio Tagle, archbishop of Manila, Philippines. Baselios Cleemis Thottunkal, Major Archbishop of Trivandrum of the Syro-Malankara in India.

Six new cardinals: various birettes, tears and African cheers in St. Peter's Basilica

November 24, 2012. ( The Consistory at St. Peter's Basilica to create six new cardinals lasted less than an hour. But the ceremony was full of emotions and several exotic touches. The event was smaller than previous consistories under Benedict XVI, with the creation of six new cardinals. In the past, the smallest group he had created was 15. However, this Consistory was perhaps one of the most diverse, spanning three separate rites. From the Latin rite, the Pope created cardinals Colombian Ruben Salazar Gomez, American James Michael Harvey, Nigerian John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan, and Filipino Luis Antonio Tagle. From the Syro-Malankara rite, he created Baselios Cleemis Thottunkal, from India as cardinal. And the Maronite rite is represented by its Patriarch Bechara Boutros Rai, from Lebanon. BENEDICT XVI “In this Consistory, I want to highlight in particular the fact that the Church is the Church of all peoples, and so she speaks in the various cultures of the...

St. John Berchmans

The Saint of the Day for November 26 is St. John Berchmans. This young saint of the Society of Jesus was born in Flanders, the oldest of five children. He grew up in an atmosphere of political turmoil caused by a religious war between the Catholic and Protestant sections of the Netherlands. He studied at the Gymnasium at Diest and worked as a servant in the household of Canon John Froymont at Malines in order to continue his studies. In 1615, the Jesuits opened a college at Malines, and St. John Berchmans was one of the first to enter. He was an energetic student and was a leader among the students. In 1616, he entered the Jesuit novitiate at Malines and came under the influence of Father Antoine Sucquet. The young Berchmans developed a strong and deep spirituality based on the loving practice of fidelity. St. Aloysius of Gonzaga was his spiritual model, and he was influenced as well by the example of the Jesuit English martyrs. It was his realistic appreciation for the value...

Virginal Lily


Who are the new cardinals?

November 22, 2012. ( The Pope will soon create six new cardinals. For the time being, the number of papal electors will change to 120 members, though only for a few weeks. So who are the six cardinal-designates? His Beatitude Béchara Boutros al-Rahï, Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites, from Lebanon, is the eldest of the new cardinals at 72 years old. He was elected Patriarch of the Maronites in the spring of 2011. During the Pope's recent visit to the Land of Cedars, he represented the country's largest Catholic community. Ruben Salazar Gómez was appointed archbishop of Bogotá since July 2010, and President of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia since 2008. He is 70 years old and a bishop since 1992. John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan, has served as archbishop of Abuja since 1992. Born in Kabba, Nigeria, he is 68 years old and a bishop since 1982. He has chaired the Bishops' Conference of Nigeria, and the Association of the Member Episcopal Conferences o...

The Third Pope


Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro

Today the Church celebrates the optional memorial of Miguel Augustin Pro, priest and martyr. Miguel Agustin Pro was born January 13, 1891, in Mexico. From his childhood, he was known for his high spirits and happy personality. The son of an affluent mining engineer and a pious and charitable mother, Miguel had a special affinity for the working classes. At 20, he became a Jesuit novice and shortly afterwards was exiled due to the Mexican revolution. He traveled to the United States, Spain, Nicaragua and Belgium, where he was ordained in 1925. Father Pro suffered greatly from a severe stomach disorder. When his health did not improve after several surgeries, his superiors permitted him to return to Mexico in 1926. At this time, the revolutionary government in Mexico had banned all religious practice. The churches were closed and priests were in hiding. The government was particularly focused on finding and persecuting priests. Father Pro became a great master of disguise and ...

A Simple Prayer of Thanksgiving

Lord, today we thank You for Your many blessings and gifts to us. We thank You for the precious gift of family and friends -- for all those who are here with us today and those who are far away. Let us never take them for granted, but help us to show our love and for them daily through our words and actions. Thank You for our faith and for the graces we receive so abundantly from You each day through participation in Holy Mass and in the sacraments. Thank You for the gift of being there for us always when we call upon You in prayer. Thank You especially for the gift of the Holy Eucharist, in which You give yourself completely to us and become small so that we might grow large in our love for You. We thank You for showing Yourself to us in the beauty of nature -- in the heavenly blue skies, the birds that sing songs of praise to You, the sunlight, which reflects Your radiance, the mountaintops, which manifest Your grandeur. Thank You for the autumn harvest, the summer fields, ...

Saint Cecilia

Today is the memorial of St. Cecilia, patron of singers, musicians, and poets, because she sang for God alone. She is praised as the perfect model of the Christian woman because of her virginity and the martyrdom which she suffered for love of Christ. It is believed that St. Cecilia was born in the 2nd or 3rd century A.D., although the dates of her birth and martyrdom are unknown. Tradition tells us that Cecilia was a Roman girl of a patrician family who had been brought up as a Christian. She fasted often and wore a coarse garment beneath her rich clothing. Although she had consecrated her virginity to God, her father betrothed her to a young pagan named Valerian. When the wedding day arrived, Cecilia sat apart from her guests, repeating psalms and praying. After the ceremony, when the guests had departed and she was alone with her husband, Cecilia made known her great desire to remain a virgin, saying that she already had a lover, an angel of God who was very jealous. V...

Feast of the Presentation of Mary

Today, November 21, is the Feast of the Presentation of Mary. "God inspired in the heart of the pure Virgin Mary His own intense love for humility, and abhorrence of pride. She possessed, even from her infancy, a far greater horror of pride and ambition, and a far deeper love for humility than all the saints together. It was the first virtue that she practices. She abased and humbled herself before all. She esteemed herself, and would have been happy to be treated by others, as the last of the creatures. By marvelous radiance of her Immaculate Conception, she beheld herself susceptible to the guilt of the children of Adam, except that God miraculously preserved her, and she considered that she might have been capable of all the sins in the world, whose source is original sin. It was this humility which attracted to her the countless graces which rendered her worthy to be the Mother of God, Queen of heaven and earth. Give thanks to Almighty God who resists the proud and giv...

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