The Bible: Week 3 Sneak Preview
Riddled with corruption and greed, Israel and its monarchy are falling. As the warnings of Prophet Jeremiah are ignored, lowly King Zedekiah and his people are powerless to stop Babylonian invasion lead by the mighty King Nebuchadnezzar. Jerusalem is destroyed, and her people are forced into exile. With no city or temple, the Israelites must learn to keep God in their hearts. After years in Babylon, Daniel’s visions and unerring faith help to negotiate a return to Jerusalem under King Cyrus. But soon a new enemy will come and take over – the mighty Romans. Under the authority of greatest empire on Earth, the Jews are powerless in their own land, and the people crave a messiah to free them from brutal occupation. And soon they shall have one. Mary is shocked to learn she will give birth to a child of God, as King Herod rages about the baby usurper to his throne. John the Baptist prepares the people for a new age, and the greatest leader yet. Jesus recruits his first disciple, Peter the fisherman, and now his mission can truly begin.
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