Pope Francis: the role of women in the family is 'indispensable'

Pope Francis spoke out once again about the importance of the "feminine genius.” This time, before a large delegation from the Italian Women's Center, a women's association, which closed their yearly national gathering at the Vatican.

During his speech, the Pope reminded them that society and the labor force need a feminine touch. He added that he also wants women to have a more "capillary and incisive” role in the Church.

"Over the span of these decades, alongside other cultural and social transformations, the identity and role of the woman in the family, in society and in the Church, has seen notable changes, and over all, the participation and responsibility of women has continued to grow.”

The Pope also said that the role of women in family life is "indispensable.” Especially because of their sensibility towards the weakest and defenseless family members.

He closed off saying that discernment and prayer are the path to balance work and family life.

The Italian Women's Center is an an association founded on Christian principles in 1944. It promotes the role of women in Italian society.


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