Pilgrimage to celebrate the 500th anniversary of St. Teresa of Avila's birth unveiled

Saint Teresa of Avila is one of the most influential women in the history of the Catholic Church.

Her revolution began in 17 convents of the Carmelite Order spread throughout Spain in the 16th century.

President, "Footsteps of Teresa” Foundation
"She wrote a book, called "The Foundations”. In it, she describes the 17 places in Spain where,  little by little, she installed what she called "bird houses”. She would call her nuns "doves”.

To commemorate the 500th anniversary of Saint Teresa of Avila's birth, these 17 Spanish cities came together to promote a pilgrimage where religion and culture go hand in hand.

The initiative is called "Footsteps of Teresa” and among the cities participating are Ávila, Burgos, Valladolid, Sevilla and Granada.

President, "Footsteps of Teresa” Foundation
"The first goal is to come closer to Saint Teresa. To look for her. The second, logically, is to go through at least four of these cities and end at the fifth one, which is Ávila, where she was born, the point where everything began.”

Pope Francis is looking into possibly visiting  Ávila to celebrate this anniversary.

Whether he visits Spain or not, the organizers of "Footsteps of Teresa” are confident that thousands of pilgrims from around the world will get to know first hand this Doctor of the Church  and mystic through the cities where she lived.

- Via Rome Reports.

Related Post: Top Twenty Quotes from St. Teresa of Avila


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