7 QT's: January Cure for Colds, Dancing with the Saints, and a Movie

1. January seems to be a popular month for catching a cold and it's my favorite month for cooking good old-fashioned homemade chicken soup. Here's my new stockpot for cooking soup. I just can't resist cooking when I get a new pot or pan. Here I made Lemon-Chicken Orzo Soup, but there was no orzo anywhere! What's a girl to do? I simply replaced it with brown rice pasta shells.

2. The aroma of the chicken broth / lemon mixture by itself is enough to clear out the sinuses and titillate the tastebuds, but we won't stop there.

3. We're not done until we've added the chicken, the carrots, onions, celery, garlic, pasta, and the baby spinach. Voilà! This is not only a cure for the common cold, but a nutritious and sumptuous meal!

Fra Angelico's "Last Judgment" : "dancing with the saints"

4. Of course you have heard of the TV show Dancing with the Stars, but wouldn't you much rather be "dancing with the saints"? I would rather be spending my eternity dancing and singing with the saints, glorifying God,which is why I wrote Seven Saints for Seven Virtues and why I am encouraging you to read it. I want you there with me (God willing)!  The saints are our friends, companions, and intercessors. They get us through tough times and open our hearts to the grace of God. I can't imagine my life without these special friends in it, who have been marvelous role models of holiness to emulate.  Today I will be a guest on Wendy Wiese's On Call program on Relevant Radio, which airs at 1:00 p.m. Central time, so be sure to tune in!

5. One of the saints I wrote about this week on Catholic Fire is St. Andre Bessette, a favorite of mine. He had the sweetest temperament and was so humble and concerned about comforting and healing others, despite his own sufferings. He also had a deep devotion to St. Joseph, just as I do. I am sure St. Joseph must have been his model of humility.

6.  Another gifted and holy man I wrote about is St. Raymond of Peñafort: Dominican Preacher, Philosopher, Lawyer, and Evangelizer -- who converted at least 10,000 Muslims! He could have been very wealthy and famous if he had pursued law in secular society, but he chose, instead, to do the will of God, and become a Dominican priest.

7. Fr. Barron reviews and comments on the new biopic “A Theory of Everything”, which does engage in a fair amount of Hawking-hagiography, but it is also, curiously, a God-haunted movie.

Have a blessed weekend and a wonderful week!


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