Seven Quick Takes: Fall Transitions

1. Generations of Faith has returned in our parish this fall. We meet once in the fall and once in the spring each year. This fall we had a spectacular guest speaker, Julianne Stanz, Director of the New Evangelization from the Green Bay Diocese, speak about the New Evangelization this past Sunday. As you can see, she brought her darling little son along, who slept through most of her talk on the New Evangelization. A native of Ireland, she was an amazing speaker and storyteller, who shared some new tips on evangelizing those we meet everyday.

2.  After the supper and the talk, we went into the church to pray and sing.Our pastor, Fr. Jarrod, gave a wonderful personal witness as to how the Holy Spirit has been working in his life. The above photo was taken in the school gym.

3. Here is the Spirit-filled choir which we sing along with during our Generations of Faith sessions in the church.

4. This has been a week of transitions: taking down the summer house decorations and replacing them with fall decorations, removing the summer clothes and putting up the fall clothes in the closet, and preparing for cooler weather (although the temperatures have been in the 70's and 80's here). Here is a glimpse of how it looks outdoors in my yard. In another week or two the leaves should start changing colors.

5. My neighbor has a green thumb and has a beautiful flower garden! She works hard at maintaining it. I am still trying to figure out how to grow plants here in Kansas. Although I have lived here 10 years, the soil and the weather is a lot different from Illinois.

6. I have been working out daily, busy with parish activities, and continuing work on my new book. I have been also reviewing some great books lately like this must-read contemporary romance with at theology of the body theme and this magnificent Marian devotional.

7. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and we need to take care of them. Here is a very enlightening EWTN radio program that instructs us exactly how to do that. Debbie and Jerry interview the brilliant pediatrician and nutrition expert, Dr. William Sears, who has some great adivice for all of us.

Have a blessed weekend!

For more Quick Takes, visit Kelly at This Ain't the Lyceum.  

~ Photos copyright 2015 Jean M. Heimann


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