St. Mary of Egypt: Patroness of Penitent Women

April 1 is the feast of an obscure saint, whose life illustrates the power of forgiveness, healing, and redemption the Church provides. St. Mary of Egypt was a prostitute for 17 years before she chose the life of a hermitess. She is the patroness of penitent women and reformed prostitutes. Mary of Egypt, who was born in 344 A.D, moved to Alexandria when she was 12 years old and worked as a prostitute for more than seventeen years. She joined a large group that was making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, fully intending to continue her trade. On the feast day itself, she joined the crowd as it was headed to the church in order to venerate the relic of the True Cross, again with the goal of tempting others into sin. However, when she reached the door of the church, she was unable to enter. A miraculous force pushed her away from the door each time she approached. After trying to get in several times, Mary of Egypt moved to a corner of t...