Showing posts from August, 2006
Conversing with Jesus
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" Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus." ~ 2 Thessalonians 5: 16 - 18 Today I am praising the Lord for... my family, my Catholic faith, and all my friends. the work He has given me to enable me to serve Him and to proclaim His glory. His deep and abiding love which fills my heart with hope and peace. I am praying for... an end to the culture of death. a renewal of life and love in our society -- a love of human life and a respect for the dignity and rights of all, especially for the unborn. The closing of all abortion mills and the conversion of the abortionists and their staff. renewed energy and vigor for all those working in the pro-life movement. a special intention. all previous prayer intentions listed here. Thanks for praying with me for these special intentions. If you have a prayer need please leave a message in the comments or email me and I will be happy to pray for them at daily...
Pro-life Minute Meditation
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"When the time comes, as it surely will, when we face that awesome moment, the final judgment, I've often thought, as Fulton Sheen wrote, that it is a terrible moment of loneliness. You have no advocates, you are there alone standing before God -- and a terror will rip your soul like nothing you can imagine. But I really think that those in the pro-life movement will not be alone. I think there'll be a chorus of voices that have never been heard in this world but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world -- and they will plead for everyone who has been in this movement. They will say to God, 'Spare him, because he loved us - and God will look at you and say not, 'Did you succeed?' but 'Did you try?' " ~ Congressman Henry Hyde Therefore The most important thing you can do is to become personally involved. Unless you do so, nothing will change.
Have they no shame?
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By Jane Chastain Last Thursday, the FDA announced that it has approved over-the-counter sales for "Plan B," the morning-after pill, which is essentially a mega-dose of the drugs found in birth control pills. Birth control pills require a doctor's prescription because they can cause life-threatening problems for women with certain health conditions. A prescription assures that a woman buying birth control pills has been screened to make sure that these pills don't harm her health or take her life. That is being responsible. Making mega-doses of this drug available over-the-counter, without a prescription, is not only irresponsible; it is unconscionable! How can anyone, especially acting FDA Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach and President Bush, sign off on it? The morning-after pill is touted as a dream come true for women. At last, a woman can be as free (and as irresponsible) as a man to jump into bed with no protection against pregnancy. In the morning, she can run...
Conversing with Jesus
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Today I am praying for... a good, Catholic future husband for Maria (preferably someone who models himself after St. Joseph). an end to abortion and the culture of death. the November elections -- that all the leaders elected will be pro-life. strength, guidance, and protection for all those working in the pro-life movement. a special intention. all previous prayer requests listed here. Thanks for praying for these special intentions. If you have a special need, please list it below in the comments or email me and I will be happy to pray for it during daily Mass and also during my Holy Hour. God bless you!
Pope to debate evolution with former students
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Pope Benedict gathers some of his former theology students on Friday for a private weekend debate on evolution and religion, an issue conservative Christians have turned into a political cause in the United States. Benedict, who taught theology at four German universities before rising in the Catholic Church hierarchy, has pondered weighty ideas with his former Ph.D students at annual meetings since the late 1970s without any media fuss. But his election as pope last year and controversies over teaching evolution in the United States have aroused lively interest in this year's reunion on September 1-3 at the papal summer residence of Castel Gondolfo outside Rome. Religion and science blogs are buzzing about whether it means the Vatican will take a more critical view of evolution and possibly embrace "Intelligent Design," which claims to have scientific proof that human life could not have simply evolved. [Entire Story]
Euthanasia Attorney with ties to Planned Parenthood to Head ABA's Special Bioethics Committee
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The American Bar Association's (ABA) Special Committee on Bioethics has a new head who is pro-abortion and pro-euthanasia, Estelle Rogers, the former executive director of the Death with Dignity National Center, an organization dedicated to advancing assisted suicide. The former executive director of the Death with Dignity National Center who is dedicated to advancing assisted suicide, Chairwoman Estelle Rogers, is a pro-abortion activist having been the legislative director for Planned Parenthood Federation of America and worked on the American Civil Liberties Union Reproductive Freedom Project is going to be the head of the American Bar Association's (ABA) Special Committee on Bioethics. Estelle has a definite perspective that is contrary to the culture of life. The ABA's voice on key bioethics issues will be anti-life and anti-marriage. The ABA may adopt even more aggressive positions as it files briefs or testifies before Congress on important life and bioethical issue...
Fr. Frank Pavone: Missionaries of the Gospel of Life Official Now - Watch the Video
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August 30, 2006 Dear Friends, It's official! This past Thursday, August 24, Bishop John Yanta of the Diocese of Amarillo received my profession of promises into the Society he gave me permission to found, the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life. In a Mass celebrated by Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, and concelebrated by eight other bishops, I became the first "Moderator General" of this new community of priests and lay persons dedicated exclusively to ending abortion and euthanasia. This means that I am no longer incardinated in a diocese, but rather into this new Society of Apostolic Life. After the Mass, we had a groundbreaking ceremony on the 60 acres of land on which the new headquarters for Priests for Life and the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life will be built. Cardinal Martino blessed the land in a ceremony attended by numerous dignitaries, special guests, and members of the local community, as wel...
Colombian Catholic Church Excommunicates All Involved in 11-year-old Rape Victim’s Abortion
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By Gudrun Schultz BOGOTA, Colombia, August 30, 2006 ( – Cardinal Alfonso Llopez Trujillo announced Tuesday that the Colombian Catholic Church has excommunicated all persons involved in obtaining an abortion for an 11-year-old girl, who became pregnant after she was raped. The order includes the judges, politicians and legislators involved in the decision, as well as the doctors, nurses and the girl’s parents, the Manila Bulletin Online reported today. Under excommunication, all those involved in the abortion are banned from receiving the sacraments, except the sacrament of confession, and may not perform a ministerial role in the Liturgy or other worship ceremony. Participating in abortion carries the automatic penalty of full excommunication, under the Catholic Code of Canon Law. Cardinal Trujillo, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, has been very clear on the application of excommunication in cases of abortion. In a June interview with Famiglia Chris...
New Stanek column on WND: "Babes in Thailand rapists needn't leave U.S."
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Posted: August 30, 2006 1:00 a.m. Eastern By Jill Stanek So what if minor girls can't buy emergency contraceptives without a prescription? Their rapists can. When last week the FDA authorized over-the-counter access of ECs to women 18 and older, it also authorized over-the-counter access to men 18 and older. Why would men buy ECs? Ask Thailand, where ECs have been marketed for 20 years. In Thailand, ECs are advertised in men's magazines. In Thailand, several studies corroborate what researchers for the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health found , that "the majority of purchasers are men buying EC for women. … Women, especially adolescents, said that they feel ashamed to purchase EC themselves." "Especially adolescents." Recall Thailand is where pedophile John Mark Karr was recently nabbed on suspicion of murdering JonBenet Ramsey. The spotlight on Karr exposed Thailand as a haven for child sex predators. ECs must come in handy. The U.S. is not yet a ...
Women Want to Know About Abortion Risks, Survey Reveals
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New Study Underscores Need for Informed Consent Legislation, Pro-life Advocates Say SPRINGFIELD, IL, August 29, 2006 ( - A new survey has found that women want to be thoroughly informed of all possible risks associated with elective medical procedures, and they generally want as much or more information when it comes to abortion. The survey of 187 women seeking obstetric and gynecological services at a Wisconsin women's health clinic was published in the Journal of Medical Ethics in July. The women were given a short survey in which they were asked to state their preferences for information about elective medical procedures. They ranked the degree of information they preferred regarding alternative treatments and complication rates, and rated the severity of different types of complications, ranging in severity from headaches to death. The results showed that 95 percent of patients wished to be informed of all the risks of a procedure and 69 percent wanted to be in...
Catholic campus organization continues to combat lack of “morals, ethics, and leadership”
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Denver, Aug. 30, 2006 ( CNA ) - As classes begin this month, a national student outreach organization says American colleges and universities are not allocating enough resources to help students make the adjustment to college life and to become moral and ethical leaders in society upon graduation. As a result, Catholics must be proactive in providing young people with the right resources, support and formation on campuses, says the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS). The group, founded in 1998, currently offers Bible studies, leadership training, and mentoring on 29 secular and Catholic campuses in 15 states. In a press release issued yesterday, FOCUS says college students today face a number of challenges, such as dealing with relationships, promiscuous sex, binge drinking, drug use, credit card debt, depression, and gambling. New students, especially, who are away from their parents for the first time in many cases are particularly vulnerable.Studies seem to back up ...
New Documentary Reveals Filthy, Unsafe Conditions At Former Abortion Mill
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Wichita, KS - Aug 30, 2006 A new documentary produced by Life Dynamics, Inc. of Denton, Texas, reveals the filthy, and unsafe conditions that existed at Central Women’s Services, a former Wichita abortion mill that was purchased by Operation Rescue earlier this year. Within hours of taking possession of the building that had housed an abortion clinic since 1983, OR President Troy Newman guided LDI’s Mark Crutcher and his production team on a tour of the facility, where they filmed and documented the shocking conditions that existed there. The mill was a member of the National Abortion Federation, an association of shoddy abortion mills around the country, some of which have recently been closed for their unsafe conditions and practices by the states of Florida and Alabama . The documentary was originally part of LDI’s monthly video magazine, LifeTalk, but has been edited to include only the segment on the conditions at Central Women’s Services. (To obtain a full copy of LifeTalk, ...
Benedict XVI Thanks God for St. John Founder
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( Photos taken by the Community 0f St. John on the 30th anniversary of its founding February, 2006 in Rome, Italy) Father Marie-Dominique Philippe Dies at 93 VATICAN CITY, AUG. 28, 2006 ( Benedict XVI sent a message to the Family of St. John in which he thanked God for the life of their founder, Father Marie-Dominique Philippe, who died Saturday. He was 93. In a telegram sent in his name by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican secretary of state, the Pope "prays that the Lord will receive him in his kingdom, who for years guided and formed numerous people in the school of Christ, in the spirit of the 'beloved disciple,' rooting them in a profound love for the Church and in fidelity to the Successor of Peter. "The Bishop of Rome "gives thanks for the life of Father Marie-Dominique, totally given to the Lord and his brothers, rooted in meditation of the Word of God, in search of passionate contemplation of truth."Benedict XVI hopes that "his testim...
All in the Family Meme
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I found this at Happy Catholic and don't recall doing it before. Which famous person would you most like to learn that you are descended from? the family of St. Therese of Lisieux -- the Martin family Which famous person would you hate to learn that you are descended from? Adolph Hitler If you could be ancestor to any living famous person, who would it be and why? Pope Benedict ... I have met him and he is wonderful! What a holy, saintly Papa he is! If you could go back in time and meet any known ancestor(s) of yours, who would it be? An ancestor of mine who is a candidate for sainthood. I also have an ancestor who is a French poet, but the saint to be wins out. Anyone who hasn't had a crack at this meme yet, consider yourself tagged.
St. Louis archbishop rips stem-cell "disinformation"
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St. Louis, Aug. 29 ( - Archbishop Raymond Burke has accused proponents of embryonic stem-cell research of using "a tremendous amount of misinformation and disinformation" to promote their cause. Speaking at a rally organized by opponents of a statewide ballot initiative that would ease legal limits on stem-cell research in Missouri, the archbishop said that embryonic research of the sort being proposed would constitute "the legalized destruction of human life." The key issue in dispute in the Missouri debate is the meaning of the term "therapeutic cloning." Proponents of the embryo research say that although human embryos may be reproduced, there is no danger of human cloning because no children will be born through the process. Opponents point out that the embryos that are created and harvested for their stem cells are already human beings. My Comments: The baby killers just won't give up will they? They are determined to destroy human lif...
Kansas Abortion-Sexual Abuse Probe an Issue in Attorney General Race
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Topeka, KS ( -- A probe Attorney General Phill Kline conducted earlier this year into whether young girls had been raped and had abortions to cover up the actions is playing a key role in his campaign for re-election. Kline is coming under attack from Democrat Paul Morrison, who says the investigation was a violation of privacy. Kline said his investigation was not a part of a political agenda but a legitimate effort to protect girls in Kansas. “When I have a 10-year-old who gets pregnant and gets a late-term abortion and was impregnated at the age of 9, and no one calls the police, I don't consider it a narrow agenda to try and bring her rapist to justice,” he told the Dodge City Daily Globe. Kline sought the records of girls in 90 abortion cases from two abortion businesses, who sued to stop the investigation from continuing. A Shawnee County District judge subpoenaed the records and backed Kline's probe, but the abortion centers appealed the decision, refusing t...
The Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist
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Shortly after he had baptized Jesus, John the Baptist began to denounce Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee. Herod had divorced his own wife and taken Herodias, the wife of his half- brother Philip and also his own niece. John the Baptist declared, "It is not lawful for you to have her," so Herod threw him into prison. Not only did Herod fear John and his disciples, he also knew him to be a righteous man, so he did not kill him. Herodias was determined to bring about John's death. From prison John followed Jesus's ministry, and sent messengers to question him (Luke 7:19-29). One day Herod gave an eloquent banquet to celebrate his birthday. His entire court was present as well as other powerful and influential Palestinians. Herodias's daughter Salome so pleased Herod when she danced to entertain the company that he promised her whatever she would ask--even half of his kingdom. Salome asked her mother for counsel and was told to request the head of the Baptist (M...
Pope: Worried parents should take heart in St. Augustine's path
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( AP Photo/Pier Paolo Cito) CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (CNS) -- Pope Benedict XVI said parents worried about the waywardness of their children should take heart in the circuitous spiritual path of St. Augustine. After a youth spent in pleasure-seeking and self-indulgence, St. Augustine embraced the faith and went on to become one of the most important figures in the development of Christianity, the pope said Aug. 27. Much of the credit belongs to his mother, St. Monica, who despite her son's "rebellious temperament" never gave up on him and accompanied him for years with "prayers and tears," he said. "How many problems there are today in family relations, and how many mothers are anguished because their children take the wrong road," the pope said. "Monica, a wise woman and solid in her faith, invites them not to be discouraged, but to persevere in the mission of wife and mother, keeping firm trust in God and holding with perseverance to prayer,...
Conversing with Jesus
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Today I am praising the Lord and thanking Him for... the wonderful weekend I spent with family in St. Louis. Birgitta, who has passed the second comprehensive exam for her Ph.D. and has advanced to candidacy. I am praying for... the repose of the soul of Fr Marie-Dominique Philippe, the founder of the Community of St. Jean (St. John), who went to the Father's house Friday night (4 am Sat morning in France). May Our Lord grant him everlasting rest, and may the Virgin Mary, for whom he had such a tender love, intercede for him! R equiescat in pace. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. the repose of the soul of Kenneth Burbine. the repose of the souls of the victims of the airplane crash in Kentucky and for peace and healing for their families. Our Holy Father and our bishops, that the Holy Spirit will guide and strenghten them. a change in laws, which discriminate against the unborn. an increase in vocations to the priesthood and to the consecr...
St. Augustine, Bishop, Doctor of the Church, with insights from Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
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St. Augustine is one of my favorite saints. At age 12, I read his Confessions and was fascinated with his great love and passion for the Lord. Little did I realize at that time that eleven years later, I would stop practicing my Catholic faith and, like Augustine, it would be the long-suffering and persistent prayers of my mother that would draw me to the heart of Jesus and bring me home to my faith. St. Augustine was a Western Father of the Church and his conversion to Christianity is well-known as one of the most important events in the history of the Church. Augustine was born in Tagaste, Africa in 354 to Patrcius, a pagan Roman official, and to Monica, a devout Christian. Monica raised Augustine in the Christian faith, but when he went to study law in Carthage, he turned away from his Christian beliefs and led a life of immorality and hedonism. At age 15, he took a took a mistress who bore him a son, Adoedatus, which means “the gift of God,” and at age 18, he and his friend, Honora...
Conversing with Jesus
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Today I am praying for... our leaders that the Lord will direct their hearts and minds in all their decision making. all mothers and fathers of aborted children that the Lord will lead them on the road to healing. Birgitta who takes oral comps for her Ph.D. today. P.'s mom who enters an assisted living facility today. a special intention. all previous intentions listed here. Thank you for praying with me for these special intentions. If you have a prayer need, please mention it in the comments below or email me and I will pray for you during daily Mass and my Holy Hour.
Saint of the Day: St. Louis IX, King of France
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Louis IX, King of France, son of Louis VIII and Blanche of Castile, was born at Poissy, April 25, 1215. Louis was eleven years old when his father's death made him king. At that time, his mother Queen Blanche of Castile, was declared regent and remained an important influence in his life. At nineteen, he married Marguerite of Provence and the couple had eleven children. Louis was a model father and his children received careful instruction from him in the Christian life. Louis brought justice to France. When, for example, a baron hanged three students for poaching rabbits, the King's response was firm. He forced the Baron to surrender his forest, imprisoned him for a time, fined him heavily, made him build a chapel in memory of each student, and ordered him to crusade for three years in Palestine. Louis was a loving and generous king. The poorest of the poor were recipients of his charity and alms everyday. Beggars were fed from his table, he ate their leavings, washed their fe...
FDA's Press Release on Killing Babies With 'Plan B'
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"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today announced approval of Plan B, a contraceptive drug, as an over-the-counter (OTC) option for women aged 18 and older. Plan B is often referred to as emergency contraception or the "morning after pill." It contains an ingredient used in prescription birth control pills--only in the case of Plan B, each pill contains a higher dose and the product has a different dosing regimen. Like other birth control pills, Plan B has been available to all women as a prescription drug. When used as directed, Plan B effectively and safely prevents pregnancy. ... The agency remains committed to a careful and rigorous scientific process for resolving novel issues in order to fulfill its responsibility to protect the health of all Americans." My Comments: "Protect the health of all Americans?" Killing babies and endangering women's lives is protecting the health of all Americans? What an outright lie! The sad part is that s...
Pro-life Quote of the Day
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"We must stand out as lights in the darkness, become signs of God's love in a nation seduced by humanism and enchanted with lies. We must be purveyors of life in a culture infatuated with death. Bearing the life of God within us, we must offer love in the image of our Father to those who have not yet heard. This is our mission as woman. This is our call as spiritual mother. This is authentic femininity." ~ Johnnette S. Benkovic in Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life
Saint of the Day: St. Bartholomew, Apostle
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The Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew TIEPOLO, Giovanni Battista 1722 Oil on canvas, 167 x 139 cm San Stae, Venice St. Bartholomew was born in Cana. His name means "son of Tolomai" and scholars believe he is the same person as Nathanael mentioned in John. He was brought to Jesus by the apostle Phillip. After the Ascension of the Lord, he preached the gospel in India where he was martyred in 79 A.D. The exact manner of his death is uncertain, but according to some, he was whipped severely and crucified with his head downward. He is often depicted in art as being whipped and holding in his hand his own skin. Bartholomew is the patron of bookbinders, butchers, corn-chandlers, dyers, glovers, furriers, leather-workers, plasterers, shoemakers, tailors, tanners, vine-growers, and Florentine salt and cheese merchants. He is invoked against nervous disorders and twitchings.
Movie Review: Choose Your Own Adventure The Abominable Snowman
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Choose Your Own Adventure The Abominable Snowman is a newly released 2006 interactive movie which takes place in the Himalayas. Viewers make a choice using their DVD remote control every 3-6 minutes to determine what happens. This interactive movie follows three siblings from the North family – Benjamin, Christa, and Marco -- on an adventure to rescue their Uncle Rudy, who is missing in the Himalayan region of Nepal after he sets out on a search to find the mythical abominable snowman. The viewer's choices determine what will happen next in the story. Will they rescue their Uncle? Will they discover the secret of the mythical Yeti creature? Or will dangerous avalanches, evil poachers, and hungry tigers foil their plans? With over 11 possible endings, the viewer determines the outcome of the adventure. As I watched this DVD, I thought of the younger children in my own extended family and the elementary school age children I have worked with over the years and how much they would en...
New Edition of Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body
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A new edition of John Paul II's Theology of the Body promises to offer a more true reading of one of the late pontiff’s greatest gifts to the Church. “The Theology of the Body: A New Translation Based on the John Paul II Archives” will be available in September. This new edition was translated from the Pope’s original Polish text. In addition, John Paul II’s original system of chapter headings has been translated from Polish for the first time. The Theology of the Body was shared with the faithful of the Church in a series of inspirational lectures the Pope delivered at his weekly general audiences between 1979 and 1984. The short lectures were given in Italian and then translated into English by various translators in the editorial offices of L’Osservatore Romano. Entire Story
PP to realize windfall profits from Plan B: What You can do to prevent this.
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As much as we regret the President's statement of support for Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach, we regret even more that Planned Parenthood will realize windfall profits from any decision to distribute the so-called emergency contraceptive Plan B. Planned Parenthood cannot lose from such a decision. They will profit from the distribution to women who do not realize the dangers such a potent drug may pose to their long-term health. And Planned Parenthood profits from abortions. They make money either way. What can you do? 1. Call your Senators and ask them to reject the nomination of Dr. von Eschenbach. 2. Call the White House: (202) 456-1111, tell the President to say "NO to Plan B". Source
Conversing with Jesus
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Today I am praying for... M.'s uncle diagnosed with cancer months ago who has given up on life. He refuses all treatment and nutrition. The doctors give him approximately 3-4 days to live. Lord, have mercy! M.'s mom who is the caretaker of her dying uncle. May Our Lady of Compassion give her comfort and peace. peace and healing for J., a young mother of 4 who is struggling after the recent death of her father, and for the repose of his soul. a young mother, pregnant with twins, who is having a difficult pregnancy -- for their safety and hers. wisdom and knowledge and a change of heart for all those who are involved in making the morning after pill an OTC drug. a respect for all human life from the moment of conception to natural death. a special intention. all previous prayer requests listed here. Lord hear our prayer. Thanks for praying with me for these special intentions. If you have a special need please leave a message in the comment section below or email me. God ble...
Saint of the Day: St. Rose of Lima, Virgin
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Isabella de Flores was born April 20, 1586 to Spanish immigrants in Lima, Peru. At her confirmation, she took the name of Rose, because as an infant her face had been seen transformed by a mystical rose. She had a strong devotion for Jesus and His Holy Mother and spent long hours praying before the Blessed Sacrament. With St. Catherine of Siena as her model, Rose fasted three times a week, offered up severe penances, and when her vanity was attacked, she cut off her beautiful hair, and wore coarse clothing. She frequently deprived herself of food, water, and sleep. As a result of her exterior mortification, she had interior mystical experiences as well as long periods of darkness and desolation. For fifteen years, she went through the "dark night of the soul." Rose worked hard to support her poor parents (by embroidering and gardening) and she humbly obeyed them, except when they tried to get her to marry. That she would not do. For ten years she fought them on this issue as...
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Why is Acting FDA Commissioner Andrew Von Eschenbach allowing the emergency contraceptive commonly referred to as the "morning after pill" to be sold without a prescription? Even the average person with little or no medical background or training has the common sense to recognize that the morning after pill is an extremely dangerous drug that acts as an abortifacient and also has the potential to seriously harm and kill mothers. Even the uneducated realize that if a sexual predator desires to obtain the "emergency" contraceptive for his underage victim this is his free license to continue abusing her. There is nothing preventing minors from obtaining this life-threatening drug -- ask any minor if he/she has difficulty obtaining alcohol. CWA President Wendy Wright offers a plausible explanation. Wright believes Von Eschenbach is now supporting easier access to the drug in order to gain the favor of Senate Democrats. "We've been extremely disturbed that the ...
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