Living La Vida Bella on Oct. 26

He’s known as the “Brad Pitt of Mexico.” But after the crucial Oct. 26 opening weekend of his new movie, Eduardo Verástegui may be regarded as Mexico’s “Jim Caviezel.” He’s an actor as excited about his faith as his acting.
Once a notorious playboy, the singer, actor, model and film producer experienced a powerful reversion to his Catholic faith four years ago. In the process, he gave up his fame and fortune to pursue film projects that glorify God.
The first of those is Bella. The film won the prestigious People’s Choice Award at the Toronto Film Festival last fall. Bella will be out in theaters Oct. 26 (to find out where, visit
Register correspondent Patrick Novecosky sat down with Verástegui after a pre-release screening in Naples, Fla.
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Hey he's in that film! Why didn't you say...
ReplyDeleteThanks for this post. I enjoyed reading this interview more than I have any of the other articles I have read on him. Excellent!
You certainly have done a lot to promote this film. I can't wait to see it!