Bella Wins Top Prize for Dramatic Movie at Heartland Film Festival
Bella, the touching drama that has inspired the pro-life community and took in the second highest per-theater amount last weekend, started off its premier with another film festival award.
This time, the movie captured the Grand Prize Award for Best Dramatic Feature at the 16th annual Heartland Film Festival. The festival, based in Indiana, concluded its nine-day run on Friday, the same day Bella premiered in 31 cities across the country. Read the complete story.
I have been posting on the movie, Bella, since January, 2007 and I'm still not tired of posting on it! It's a powerful movie and I can't wait to see it again!
Bella Reviews:
My Advance Review of Bella
Kansas City Star Review
National Catholic Register Review
Catholic News Service Review
Roger Ebert at The Chicago Sun Times
Life Teen Review
Recapturing Our Catholic Patrimony Review
USCCB Review
American Papist Mega Review
Joan Frawley Desmond Review at Inside Catholic
Previous Bella Posts on Catholic Fire:
Thank you to all who supported "Bella"
Living La Vida Bella on Oct. 26
NCR: "Bella and Beyond"
Causa Nostrae Laetitiae: Eduardo Verastegui on The World Over
Movie Review: Bella
Bella Set for Nation-wide Release in October
Two Award-Winning Abortion Films - Updated
Bella, the Movie
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