Showing posts from May, 2008
Second MacKillop Miracle Inquiry
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The Vatican has launched a judicial inquiry into the case of an Australian woman who claims to have been cured of inoperable lung cancer in 1993 through the intercession of saint-in-waiting Mary MacKillop. Two doctors will examine the case for evidence of a second miracle needed for sainthood. MORE To learn more about Blessed Mary MacKillop (1842 - 1909), go here.
Feast of The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
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Visitation Mariotto Albertinelli 1503 - Oil on wood, 232 x 146 cm Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said,“Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” And Mary said: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant. From this day all generations will call me blessed: the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his Name. He has m...
Obama is Dangerous!
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Obama gets scarier by the second -- he supports murdering our children via abortion. Now, he wants to destroy our weapons and protection against terrorists? I repeat this man is so stupid that he is dangerous -- he is intent on endangering the lives of US citizens. Barack Obama's Mad World What Obama Supports It's all about Obama Barack Obama: The Most Anti-Catholic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama Promotes Abortion, Slams Abstinence in Iowa Speech WHY JESUS WOULD NOT VOTE FOR BARACK OBAMA
Corruption in KS under Governor Kathleen Sebelius Revealed at Last!
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Everyone's talking about it throughout the blogosphere. I knew this day was bound to come when I first began blogging about the corruption here in KS about three years ago. It existed long before I moved here, but hopefully, won't continue, now that it has been publicly exposed on a national level. I am so thankful to Operation Rescue and Kansans for Life for exposing the evil and bringing it into the light. Dennis Boyle of the National Review refers to it as "machine politics" in his article "Supremely Wrong." Here's how he describes it: Machine politics is generally associated with cities, the cynical cronyism that is the prerequisite to wholesale corruption and urban decay. But these days it’s at its worst in, of all places, Kansas, under the governorship of leading Democratic vice-presidential contender, Kathleen Sebelius. Just ask Phill Kline. The former state attorney general and current district attorney of Johnson County, in suburban Kansas City...
Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests
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"I promise you in the excessive mercy of my Heart that my all-powerful love will grant to all those who receive Holy Communion on the First Fridays in nine consecutive months the grace of final perseverance; they shall not die in my disgrace, nor without receiving their sacraments. My divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment" (Jesus to St. Margaret Mary). Today is the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus . It is also the day Bill and I will participate in the enthronement of the Sacred Heart in our parish and our home. Enthronement of the Sacred Heart is a solemn act of a family giving formal recognition of the kingship of Christ over their family and home and the official, ceremonial beginning of a family's commitment to live out the effects of their recognition of Christ's Kingship. During the Enthronement ceremony, a blessed image of the Sacred Heart is hung in the most prominent place in the house and Sacred Scripture is placed before it. Formal ...
Four Ordained to the Wichita Diocese
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Three ordained to the priesthood, one to the diaconate at the Cathedral Bishop Michael O. Jackels talked about love of God and neighbor during the homily of three men ordained to the priesthood Saturday morning at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Wichita. "All of this is done in memory of Jesus," Bishop said from the ambo, looking down on the three deacons sitting in front of him. "The 12 apostles did all this because Jesus did." But you can't do it, he added. "You will fail. You can't do it without the help of God...and the support and inspiration of your brother priests." Entire text in print at the Advance website here . * Watch video of the ordination here .
Saint of the Day: St. Mary Magdalene de' Pazza
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Born in Florence on 2 April 1566 and baptized at the "beautiful St John" font with the name Caterina, St Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi showed a particular sensitivity to the supernatural from childhood and was attracted by intimate colloquy with God. As was the custom for children of noble families, her education was entrusted to the Dames of Malta, in whose monastery she received her First Holy Communion on 25 March 1576, and just some days later she consigned herself to the Lord for ever with a promise of virginity. Returning to her family, she deepened her prayer life with the help of the Jesuit Fathers, who used to come to the palace. She cleverly did not allow herself to be conditioned by the worldly demands of an environment that, although Christian, was not sufficient to satisfy her desire to become more similar to her crucified Spouse. In this context she reached the decision to leave the world and enter the Carmel of St Mary of the Angels at Borgo San Frediano, where ...
What Matters Most
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Governor Kathleen Sebelius said yesterday that the reason she hosted George Tiller and his staff for a private dinner or party event at the Governor's Mansion on April 9, 2006, was because he won it as an auction item at the 2006 TORCH dinner given by the Greater Kansas City Women's Political Caucus. While the only Sebelius donation on the original list of auction items was a pewter bowl, now reports that the KC Star Primebuzz of September 21, 2006 said under "Torch Tidbits" that " A late-arriving from Wichita Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius also was well received, particularly when she offered up as an unexpected auction item dinner for six with her and the First Dude at the Governor's Mansion." Kansans for Life Executive Director, Mary Kay Culp said: "It doesn't matter if the Tiller party was an extension of the TORCH auction dinner for six, or another event altogether as the source of the pictures claims. What matte...
Barack Obama's Mad World
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Warning: Contains some explicit images Barack Obama fought against the Born Alive Infants Protection Act which would have provided basic medical care to any infants that survive an abortion attempt. He wants to kill those infants born alive. Related Posts: What Obama Supports It's all about Obama Barack Obama: The Most Anti-Catholic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama Promotes Abortion, Slams Abstinence in Iowa Speech WHY JESUS WOULD NOT VOTE FOR BARACK OBAMA
Governor Sebelius' Response to Secret Tiller Party Called Laughable by OR
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Earlier today I posted on Governor Kathleen Sebelius' office covering up a secret party honoring late - term abortionist George Tiller , who has pumped huge amounts of money into her campaign. Some rather shocking photos of Sebelius and Tiller were included. Sebelius' office, attempting to do "damage control", stated that the Tiller party depicted in a dozen photographs was a prize in a charity auction in which Sebelius had no control over who would attend. Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, responded by saying," “According to our source, who attended the event at Cedar Crest, the party was ‘by special invitation only.’ It was obvious to this person that Tiller was on a very friendly basis with Sebelius and took the time to personally introduce each member of his abortion clinic staff to the governor . Our source was very specific that the event’s purpose was to ‘honor’ Tiller and his staff. The pictures, especially the ones that include the political...
The Best of Today's Pro-life News
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From Operation Rescue: KS Governor’s Office Covers Up Secret Party Honoring Abortionist Tiller - Photos show "Catholic in name only" Governor Sebelius honoring late-term abortionist George Tiller (the Killer), who pumped huge amounts of money into her campaign. From Jill Stanek: Breaking news: Mother of 13-year-old suing DC Planned Parenthood for $50 mil: botched abortion; infertility Obama's Confusion about the Holocaust From Jill: "..I am disgusted that Obama would decry the Holocaust on one hand while promoting the most atrocious of abortions on the other. He understands the concept of humans committing atrocities against other humans. He just cherry-picks applications." Selling Babies Online Leticia at Causa Nostrae Laetitae: Defending the Dignity of the Unborn in Bioethics Circles Genevieve Kineke at Feminine-Genius: Shouting into a maelstrom
Saint of the Day: Blessed Margaret Pole, Martyr
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Margaret was born on August 14, 1473 at Farleigh Castle, Bath, Wiltshire, England, to George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence and Isabella Neville. Her father was a brother of both Kings Edward IV and Richard III of England. When she was about 20 years old, she married Sir Richard Pole and bore him five children. Margaret was widowed, named countess of Salisbury, and appointed governess to Princess Mary, daughter of Hemy VIII and Queen Catherine of Aragon, Spain. She opposed Henry’s marriage to Anne Boleyn, and the king exiled her from court, although he called her “the holiest woman in England.” When her son, Cardinal Pole, denied Henry’s Act of Supremacy, the king imprisoned Margaret in the Tower of London for two years and then beheaded her on May 28. In 1538, her other two sons were executed. She was never given a legal trial. She was seventy when she was martyred. Margaret was beatified in 1886 by Pope Leo VIII.
Chant Music for Paradise
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A group of Austrian monks have hit the top 10 of the pop charts. The Cistercian Monks of Stift Heiligenkreuz (Holy Cross) were signed by Universal Music following a worldwide search for the best practitioners of the ancient art of Gregorian chant. The monks submitted their winning entry as a YouTube link to the record company. The resulting album, Chant - Music For Paradise, was released on Monday, and came in the charts at number nine. The monks themselves are astounded. More used to the quieter practices of prayer and contemplation, they are unaccustomed to the spotlight of the showbiz world. "We're overjoyed, and really did not think that so many people would like the album so much. We hope that all who listen to it find calm and strength in those thousand-year-old melodies," said Father Karl from their monastery just outside Vienna. "The income we receive from this project will all be used to further the education of our Cistercian brothers from Vietnam and other...
Born Alive Infant Protection Needs to be Protected
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Until a whistle-blower blew the lid off a little-known practice, babies that survived abortions lacked clear legal rights and protection. Jill Stanek, once a nurse at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, IL, entered the abortion battle in 1999 when she discovered that babies that “accidentally” survived abortions were placed in a closet and left to die. In 2000 and 2001 she testified about her experience to the US House Committee on the Judiciary’s Subcommittee on the Constitution on behalf of the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act. Her credible eye-witness testimony thrust this practice before lawmakers and helped pass a federal law defining that a baby who is born alive is in fact a person deserving respect. She now faces the challenge of ensuring that this law is enforced. Stanek’s public stance eventually cost her job at Christ Hospital, but their loss was the pro-life community’s gain. She is currently an activist, columnist and blogger ( ). Congress passed the B...
Today's Saint: St. Augustine of Canterbury, 'Apostle of England'
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St. Augustine was the agent of a greater man than himself, Pope St Gregory the Great. In Gregory's time, except for the Irish monks, missionary activity was unknown in the western Church, and it is Gregory's glory to have revived it. Gregory decided to begin with a mission to the pagan English, for they had cut off the Christian Celts from the rest of Christendom. The time was favorable for a mission since the ruler of the whole of southern England, Ethelbert of Kent, had married a Christian wife and had received a Gaulish bishop at his court. Gregory himself wished to come to Britain, but his election as pope put an end to any such idea, and in 596 he decided to send an Italian monk following the comparatively new Rule of St Benedict. Augustine set out with some companions, but when they reached southern Gaul a crisis occurred and Augustine was sent back to the pope for help. In reply the pope made Augustine their abbot and subjected the rest of the party to him in all things,...
The Procrastination Meme
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I found this at Some Have Hats and I was in the mood for a procrastination break, so I decided to go for it. ****** What time is your alarm clock set to? I rarely set my alarm, but usually awaken about the same time everyday, unless I stayed up late the night before. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? I always notice a person's eyes and their expression first, no matter sex they are. Do you think people talk about you behind your back? I don't really think about it -- If they do, I don't care. I have more important things to be concerned about. What movie do you know every line to? Every line? None. But I know most of the lines and all of the songs in The Sound of Music, which I have watched umpteen times. What is your favorite movie? Just one? Probably The Sound of Music. Is anyone in love with you? My dh is -- that's all as far as I know. That's enough for me. Do you sleep on your side, stomach or back? All three. Who was the last person t...
Women Injured by Abortion Confront Florida Barack Obama Supporters
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Tampa, FL ( -- Four women who were injured emotionally and spiritually by their abortions and regret their decisions confronted supporters of Barack Obama at a rally this week in Florida. The members of the post-abortion group Operation Outcry stood on the sidewalk holding signs that read “My Abortion Hurt Me." MORE LifeNews also reports one of the members of the post-abortion group as saying: "What surprised me the most was that many people that spoke to us were pro-life and didn't have a clue about Barack Obama’s liberal voting record." I found this to be true when Barack Obama was running for U.S. Senator as well. At that time, I was a resident of IL and served on a community voter's board for a local newspaper (which was very liberal.) I was the token conservative. No one there seemed to know what Barack Obama stood for, yet they were impressed with his charisma, his looks, and the canned speech he gave at the Democratic National Convention. Tha...
Operation Rescue Releases New Timeline in Efforts to Prosecute Planned Parenthood
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Operation Rescue has released a handy new resource to help members of the media and the public better understand and track events surrounding efforts to prosecute a Planned Parenthood abortion mill in Overland Park, Kansas. Click here to view. Last month, Operation Rescue released a similar timeline concerning efforts to bring late-term abortionist George R. Tiller of Wichita, Kansas, to justice. Click here to view the Tiller Case Timeline .
A Memorial Day Tribute
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Poem: "These Heroes All" by Kelly Kirkpatrick Standing guard o'ver Heaven's bounds, to duty called by God, Harkening when the trumpets sound Saint Michael's call aloud, Is a holy, brave brigade of men and women bold, Though their earthly life they've paid, o'er none has death a hold. Heroes all, in virtue steeped, immune to evil's touch, They now with angels vigil keep and still watch over us. Partnered with Almighty God, alive for evermore, Members of His Honor Squad and free on wings to soar. Each fell in bloody battle hard that we might e'er live free, Sacrificed on razored shards of cruel destiny. Let not the banner they held proud, their caskets now which grace, Lie in tatters as a shroud: forgotten, soiled, disgraced. Raise it high and in their names join those who carry on, Those still battling Satan's flames, their numbers few but strong. Keep alive their legacy as they would wish it done, Their sacrifice to keep us free uniting us...
St. Phillip Neri, Priest, 'The Humorous Saint', 'The Apostle of Rome'
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The Virgin Appearing to Saint Philip Neri Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1740 Oil on canvas, 360 x 182 cm Museo Diocesano, Camerino Image Source St. Philip Neri was born in Florence, Italy on July 22, 1515. He was one of four children of the notary Francesco Neri. His mother died when he was very young, but a very capable and competent stepmother filled her place. Although they were related to Italian nobility, the family was quite poor. Philip was a cheerful and friendly boy, and was popular with all who knew him. At eighteen, Philip was sent to the town of San Germano, where he lived with a childless relative who had a business there to train as an apprentice and heir. Philip had a strong aptitude for business. Soon after his arrival, Philip began speaking of his conversion, which dramatically changed his life. He left his relative’s home and set out for Rome, as he had a vision that he had a mission to fulfill there. He left without money or a specific plan, trusting in God’s providence...
TV Picks for Memorial Day Weekend
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I'm not a big TV watcher, but with the price of gas as high as it is, TV seems like a good option if you can find something worthwhile to watch. And, there are some good movies and special programs scheduled for this weekend. Sunday: 7:00 PM CST--SPIKE Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi (1983, Science Fiction, trailer ) Monday: 4:00 PM CST --TCM The Best Years of Our Lives (1946, Romance) trailer Monday: 7:00 PM CST --AMC The Longest Day (1962, War) John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, trailer EWTN: ARCHDIOCESE FOR THE MILITARY SERVICES MEMORIAL MASS 2 hrs. Mass in honor of Memorial Day, celebrated by the Most Reverend Timothy Broglio, Archdiocese for the Military Services USA. Mon 05/26/08 12:00 PM ET & 9 AM PT FRONTLINE FAMILIES: CAPTAIN & MRS. GUY GRUTERS, VIETNAM 1 hr Captain Guy Gruters talks about his experience in a POW camp in Vietnam, and his wife talks about what it was like for her, waiting back home. Mon 5/26/08 5:30 PM ET & 2:30 PM PT
My Favorite Eucharistic Quotes
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For every Christian generation, the Eucharist is indispensable food that sustains us as we cross the desert of this world, dried by ideological and economic systems that do not promote life, but repress it. A world in which the logic of power and possession dominates, instead of the logic of service and love; a world in which the culture of violence and death often triumphs." ~ Pope Benedict XVI, in his homily on the feast of Corpus Christi "Every time we celebrate the Eucharist in the Church, we recall the death of the Savior, we proclaim his Resurrection as we await his return. Thus no sacrament is greater or more precious than that of the Eucharist; and when we receive Communion, we are incorporated into Christ. Our life is transformed and taken up by the Lord." "The Eucharistic mystery is in fact the "summit of evangelization" (Lumen gentium, n. 28), for it is the most eminent testimony to Christ's Resurrection. " ~ Pope John Paul II, May 28, ...
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull – A Movie Review
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Rated: PG-13 for adventure, violence, and scary images This is the fun film of the summer – one that you won’t want to miss. It has been nineteen years since we last saw him, but Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) hasn’t lost his touch – a bit grayer – he is as handsome, daring, and as adventurous as he ever was. When we last saw Indiana Jones on screen, it was 1938, and the world stood on the brink of war as Dr. Jones chased down evildoers to find the Holy Grail. Nineteen years have passed -- Indy's enemies are now the Communists and his struggle is once again to ensure that a precious, mysterious object remains safe from those bent on destroying humanity. Set in 1957, during the peak of the Cold War, this fourth film in the Indiana Jones film series pits an older and wiser Indiana Jones against Soviet agents in the search for a crystal skull. Indiana and his sidekick Mac McHale (Ray Winstone) are taken to a huge warehouse by the Soviet villainess Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett) to find ...
Feast of Corpus Christi - "We cannot live without Sunday"
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God Lives Under the Bed
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I envy Kevin. My brother Kevin thinks God lives under his bed. At least that's what I heard him say one night. He was praying out loud in his dark bedroom, and I stopped to listen, 'Are you there, God?' he said. 'Where are you? Oh, I see. Under the bed...' I giggled softly and tiptoed off to my own room. Kevin's unique perspectives are often a source of amusement. But that night something else lingered long after the humor. I realized for the first time the very different world Kevin lives in. He was born 30 years ago, mentally disabled as a result of difficulties during labor. Apart from his size (he's 6-foot-2), there are few ways in which he is an adult. He reasons and communicates with the capabilities of a 7-year-old, and he always will. He will probably always believe that God lives under his bed, that Santa Claus is the one who fills the space under our tree every Christmas and that airplanes stay up in the sky because angels carry them....
St. John Baptist de Rossi, Confessor, 'The Apostle of the Abandoned'
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John was born in Voltaggio, diocese of Genoa, Italy, in 1698. He was one of four children of Carlo de Rossi and Francesca Anfosi, who were poor, but pious parents. At the age of ten, he was taken in by wealthy friends of the family who saw to it that he was well-educated. At the suggestion of his uncle, Lorenzo de Rossi, a Church Canon, John travelled to Rome to study at the Collegium Romanum, under the Jesuits. He entered the Roman College at 13 and completed the classical course of studies but began practicing severe mortification. This practice, combined with a heavy course load and a bout of epilepsy, led to a breakdown, and he was forced to leave the college. He recuperated and completed his training at Minerva but never fully regained his former strength. At the age of 23 he was ordained (with dispensation, due to his poor health),and celebrated his first Mass in the Roman College. He was assigned to Rome, where he worked with the poor and the sick. He concentrated especially on ...
The Last Lion of Abortion
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By Father Thomas J. Enteneur, President of Human Life International Sen. John McCain responded to the news of Sen. Edward Kennedy’s brain tumor saying that Ted Kennedy was the “last lion of the Senate.” Nice words, but hollow. Clearly Kennedy has been a forty year force to reckon with in the US Senate, but lionizing him for his headstrong political partisanship over four decades is a little like saying that sticking around for a long time and being opinionated qualifies as a “legacy.” That very record of anti-life advocacy is the measure by which his soul will be judged. While I pray for Sen. Kennedy’s recovery from a brain tumor, I pray more for his recovery from the cancerous metastasis of abortion ideology in his soul. MORE
John Michael Talbott Speaks About Fire at Little Portion
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The Flip Flop Test
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What Your Flip Flops Say About You You are an outdoorsy person. You feel most comfortable in nature. Beautiful scenery and good weather always brighten up your day. Being outside allows you to feel calm and connected to the world. Problems don't seem so big when you realize how small you are in the scheme of things. Your ideal warm weather place: Costa Rica The Flip Flop Test
What Your Taste in Music Says About You
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What Your Taste in Music Says About You Your musical tastes are upbeat and conventional. You are an easy going, optimistic person. Family and friends are very important to you. You enjoy caring for and helping other people. You thrive in a tranquil environment, and you do your best to keep things peaceful. You enjoy your life. You have your priorities straight. What Does Your Taste in Music Say About You?
What Your Fridge Says About You
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What Your Fridge Says About You You aren't greedy, but you don't really deprive yourself either. You strike a good balance with the stuff you buy. You tend to be a fairly thrifty person. You splurge occasionally, but you're mostly a saver. You are a very adventurous person. You love to try new things, and you get bored very easily. You are responsible, together, and mature. You act like an adult, even when you don't feel like it. You are likely to be married - and very busy. What Do the Contents of Your Refrigerator Say About You?
What Obama Supports
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Jill Stanek tells us: As we've been discussing the past couple days, Barack and Michelle Obama fully support partial birth abortion. In fact, they've gone so far as to attempt to raise money by fear-mongering about the Partial Birth Abortion Ban, calling it a "legitimate medical procedure." Read More here. (Graphic Image contained in this link.) If you are unfamiliar with this procedure, please refer to this video demonstration (warning: graphic images) for further information.
President Bush Signs Genetic Nondiscrimination Act Protecting Both Born and Unborn
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Act protects women from financial pressure to abort children with genetic disorders - In an important blow to the eugenics movement, President George Bush yesterday signed into law a bill preventing health insurance companies and employers from discriminating against born or unborn individuals on the basis of genetic information. "It protects our citizens from having genetic information misused, and this bill does so without undermining the basic premise of the insurance industry," said Bush of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA). Proponents of the GINA have expressed fears that healthy individuals with genetic dispositions toward certain diseases could end up paying more for insurance. They also fear that employers would only hire or retain individuals without genetic dispositions towards disease in order to avoid future instances of an unhealthy workforce. The version of the GINA signed yesterday included important language protecting families from discrim...
Today's Saint: St. Rita of Cascia, Religious, Patron Saint of Desperate Causes
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St. Rita was born at Rocca Porena in the Diocese of Spoleto in 1386 to Antonio and Amata Lotti, who were quite advanced in years. Rita’s birth was an answer to their prayers. The family was well-known for their charity, which merited them the surname of "Peacemakers of Jesus Christ". Rita brought much joy to her parents. She was a cheerful, amiable, pious and devout child who spent much of her time in prayer. At the age of twelve, she desired to consecrate herself to God in the religious state. Pious though her parents were, they refused her pleas, but instead gave her away in marriage, at the age of eighteen, to an ill-tempered young man who was the town watchman. The couple had two sons, who inherited their father's temperament. After 18 years of marriage, Rita’s husband was murdered by an old enemy. Her sons swore vengeance on their father’s killers, but through Rita's intercessory prayers, they forgave the offenders. Both of her sons died shortly afterwards. Rita...
Fr. Frank Pavone: Through the Church
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Abortion will end. The premise of Priests for Life is that abortion will end through the Church, because Christ has conquered death, and it is He who works through each of us to bring this victory to every segment of our society. By the “Church,” I mean the entire Body of Christ. Pope John Paul II, in The Gospel of Life, told us, “No single person or group has a monopoly on the defense and promotion of life. These are everyone’s task and responsibility” (EV 91). He says this after asserting that the effort must be ecumenical and, in fact, must include the involvement of all people of good will. The United States Catholic Bishops have provided marvelous guidance on how the pro-life effort of the Catholic Church should be undertaken, and at the conclusion of their national Pastoral Plan for Pro-life Activities, they echo what John Paul II said in the quote above. They write, “We hold in high esteem all who proclaim and serve the Gospel of life. Through their peaceful activism, education,...
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