Catholic Bloggers on Our Presidential Candidates and Pro-life Issues

Much of the information that our Catholic bloggers have been sharing about 2008 Presidential candidates is very enlightening and, in some cases, shocking.

Gerald reports on Governor Romney. According to his well - researched and documented information, Romney's Health Care Plan provides Taxpayer-Funded Abortions. Abortions are covered in the Commonwealth Care program that Romney created as Governor. Under the program, abortions are available for a copay of $50. And there's more: It Guarantees Planned Parenthood A Seat At The Table. Get the full scoop here.

I know $50 isn't much when you consider the cost of abortions today, especially the late-term abortions (They have to cover themselves, you know, in case they botch the job.), but as a Christian Catholic and a taxpayer, I don't believe that I should have to pay one cent toward the murder of an innocent child. This violates my religious and moral beliefs. I would much rather be personally donating this money to a facility that supports pregnant women and their children - a place where they can find counseling, food, clothing, shelter, and education - a place that not would be funded or dictated to by the government demagogues either, but run by caring individuals of faith, who refuse to accept government funds and to conform to the pro-death dictates of our government.

Jeff Miller in his witty and entertaining style shares Obama's attitude toward Catholics as reported on by Deal Hudson. Obama certainly sounds like some of our "dissident Catholics", who have fallen away and gone off the deep end. Here is an excerpt of Obama's comments made in a speech last summer to the Call to Renewal Conference : "The majority of Catholics practice birth control because they, like all Americans, 'intuitively' recognize religious teachings that are 'more culturally specific' and may be modified to accommodate modern life." Go there and read the rest.

What can I say about Obama's pro-death views other than the fact that they sicken me? He is John Kerry in disguise, with much less experience than Kerry. He functions as a robotic "Yes man" to all the leaders of the Democratic death camp. He has consistently voted pro-death on all human life legislation.

I particularly enjoyed reading Paul's post "What I want Duncan Hunter to Say in Tonight's Debate", which is both succinct, eye-opening, as is Paul's usual style. Since I was busy with other activities, I missed the Republican debate last night, but will be looking to hearing all about it from Paul.

Related Posts:

Barack Obama Promotes Abortion, Slams Abstinence in Iowa Speech

Hillary and Obama Slam Supreme Court on Abortion Ruling

Day Gardner: Obama and the Epidemic of Violence

Barack Obama: A Very Confused Man


  1. Thanks for the link, but I didn't see the debate either! I haven't heard that anybody made any big moves.

  2. You know I dont know how Americans can endure these 2 year long political campaigns..Enough to drive a person bonkers!

    Here our election is 3 months then we vote...In America it seems forever lol!

    Peace to you :)



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