Showing posts from August, 2007
Eucharistic Quotes
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" I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate manna in the desert, but they died; this is the bread that comes down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I give is my flesh for the life of the world." ~John 6: 48 - 51 "When you look at the crucifix you understand how much Jesus loved you then. When you look at the sacred host, you understand how much Jesus loves you now." ~ Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta Image Source
A Harvest of Priests
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Five alumni of Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula were ordained to the priesthood this year, bringing the total number of alumni priests to 47. The college also boasts 20 graduates who are religious brothers and sisters, and an additional 35 in seminaries preparing for the priesthood. These numbers are especially striking for a small, private college with only 2100 alumni and a maximum enrollment of 350 students. California Catholic Daily interviewed Fr. Sebastian Walshe, a TAC graduate now belonging to the Norbertine St. Michael's Abbey in Silverado, California. Father Walshe has been a Norbertine priest for two years. Does everybody at Thomas Aquinas College major in theology or religious studies? Fr. Walshe: No, there are no majors, no areas of specialization. The college follows the Great Books curriculum and the Socratic method of teaching. Do most of Thomas Aquinas students go straight from devout Catholic families to this enclave of Catholic piety? Fr. Walshe: Some do, bu...
Men Can Suffer a Myriad of Grief Issues Following a Partner's Abortion
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Washington, DC ( -- Abortion is frequently considered a woman's issue and one where men should have little no role in the decision and likely have little or no ill-effects afterwards. However, one man who regularly counsels men who have been involved in an abortion says that claim is unfounded. Kevin Burke is the associate director of Rachel's Vineyard Ministries , a group that reaches out to those adversely affected by an abortion to provide them hope and healing." Read the complete story .
Friday Basics
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Friday of the Twenty-First Week of Ordinary Time Today's Mass Readings Saint of the Day: St. Raymond Nonnatus On This Day in Catholic History; 431 The Third Ecumenical Council in Ephesus closed. Nestorius (ca. 386–ca. 451) was condemned, ending the Nestorian Controversy . 1535 Pope Paul III (1468–1549) excommunicated English King Henry VIII (1491–1547). Birthdays: 1870 - Maria Montessori , Italian educator (d. 1952) 1896 - Félix-Antoine Savard , French-Canadian priest and novelist (d. 1982) 1897 - Fredrich March , American actor (d. 1975) 1903 - Arthur Godfrey , American television host (d. 1983) 1924 - Buddy Hackett , American actor and comedian (d. 2003) 1935 - Frank Robinson , American baseball player and manager 1949 - Richard Gere, American actor 1983 - Larry Fitzgerald , American football player
The Way to Inner Peace: The Mini Version
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One of the best but least recognized spiritual guides is Saint Leonard of Port Maurice (1676-1751), a Franciscan friar known for his preaching in defense of the Immaculate Conception. He offered four “rules” to help achieve peace of soul. 1. To be attached only to God. Status and wealth may be beneficial, but to be overly concerned about them is to invite inner spiritual havoc. The soul’s primary need is communication with its Creator. One needs to view objects and persons in reference to God and His will if peace is to reign. To be “dead” to the world and creatures is paramount. 2. To surrender to Divine Providence. All Catholic spiritual writers are unanimous on this point: Sanctity and inner peace are attained only when God’s will holds sway. The Lord knows best. Humbly accepting His will is vastly different from reluctantly putting up with it. When a person yields to the divine plan, he demonstrates a belief that God will sustain him—come what may. 3. To welcome suffering and hard...
Symptoms of Inner Peace
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Via Esther. A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fear based on past experiences. An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment. A loss of interest in judging other people. A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others. A loss of interest in conflict. A loss of the ability to worry. Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation. Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature. Frequent attacks of smiling. An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it.
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Tiller Demands Special Treatment at Trial
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Wichita, KS – Attorneys for abortionist George R. Tiller are demanding special treatment for their client as he faces 19 criminal misdemeanor counts of violating the Kansas ban on post-viability abortions. Tiller wants a jury of 12 to hear his case, but Kansas state law only allows for a jury of six on misdemeanor cases. “Anyone else facing similar charges in Kansas would get a jury of six. Tiller is trying to increase his chances of weaseling out of these charges by asking for a jury of twelve. It is just another example of how Tiller acts as if the laws don’t apply to him in the same way they do to everyone else. He has gotten so much special treatment that he now demands it, ” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. In other developments, Attorney General Paul Morrison, an abortion supporter who reluctantly charged Tiller with the 19 counts in June, is saying he is opposed to the interim legislative committee hearing the 44-minute recorded interview with Dr. Paul McHugh that di...
Toilet Babies Evidence of Numbness Toward Life
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Kansas City, MO – A 20-year old McDonald’s employee attempted to flush her newborn baby down the toilet at the Kansas City restaurant where she worked after she unexpectedly gave birth to a 32-week baby boy on Monday. She told shocked co-workers that she had “flushed three times but that it would not go down.” [Read the entire story.]
Illinois Governor Blagojevich Signs Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill
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Washington, DC ( -- Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Tuesday signed a bill that would force taxpayers there to spend money on embryonic stem cell research. His signing the measure is the latest action going against the views of pro-life advocates on whether unborn children should be sacrificed to advance scientific research. The measure would set up an institute under the Illinois Department of Public Health to award grants for the research, which has never helped any patients. It also makes embryonic stem cell research legal and establishes procedures for couples to donate their "unwanted" human embryos for studies. Blagojevich has angered lawmakers over the last two years with executive orders spending state dollars on embryonic stem cell research without the backing of the legislature. He has perviously spent $15 million on embryonic stem cell research and the bill would put that funding into state law. ACTION: Express your disappointment by going to http://www.illinoi...
Thursday Basics
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Thursday of the Twenty-First Week of Ordinary Time Today's Mass Readings Birthdays: 1839 - Gulstan Ropert , French Catholic prelate (d. 1903) 1898 - Shirley Booth , American actress (d. 1992) 1908 - Fred MacMurray , American actor (d. 1991) 1915 - Robert Strassburg , American composer (d. 2003) 1919 - Kitty Wells , American singer 1925 - Laurent de Brunhoff , French writer and illustrator 1946 - Peggy Lipton , American actress 1951 - Dana , Irish singer and politician
Litany of the Dust
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For those who have betrayed us...Father, forgive them. for those who have let us down...(Repeat: Father, forgive them.) for those who have been indifferent to us... for those who have crippled our lives... for those who have doubted us... for those who have accused us... for those who have preferred others to us... for family members who have hurt us... for friends who have denied us... for those who have walked away from us... For my own self pity...Father, forgive me. for my lukewarmness...(Repeat: Father, forgive me.) for my times of despair and distrust... for my refusals to be hugged... for my disbelief in your love... for my searchings everywhere but in your heart... for apologies frozen on my lips... for my words of love unspoken... for my kisses and embraces ungiven... for compliments never offered... for a heart closed in self-centeredness... for my own unforgiving postures... for not believing in your forgiveness... O Jesus, you who offered forgiveness to so many---to Mary,...
Operation Rescue: Tiller's Criminal Abortions Subject of Legislative Hearings
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Topeka, KS – A special committee of the Kansas Legislature will begin hearing testimony Friday concerning late-term abortions and how they are reported, focusing on the lack of enforcement of the Kansas post-viability abortion ban. OR President Troy Newman's comments: “We know that the Tiller acolytes and other abortion supporters will be up there attempting to convince the committee to dump the law or weaken it to the point of irrelevancy." “We plan to be present at every day of the hearings to represent the interests of innocent viable babies who are at risk because the laws are not being properly enforced,” said Newman. “Because lives are at stake, we cannot allow disinformation from the abortion cartel go unchallenged.” “The Kansas law banning abortions after 21 weeks is very clear and has been Constitutionally tested. Tiller is violating this law while agencies that are supposed to be enforcing the law are looking the other way. Because women are coming from every state ...
Today's Prayer Intercessions
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I am praying for the following intentions during Eucharistic Adoration and at Holy Mass (daily). Please share with me any prayer needs you may have via the comment box or via jean.heimann@gmail and I will be happy to pray for your intentions. No request is too small. In thanksgiving for an answered prayer. For the special intentions of the Holy Father. For this special intention. For full-time employment at a satisfying job with excellent benefits for Bill. For Esther's special prayer request. For a safe and relaxing vacation for Bernadette. For an end to abortion and the closing of all abortion mills. For the conversion of George Tiller, late-term abortionist. For healing and conversion of all my family members. For my work at the crisis pregnancy center - that I will receive special guidance and graces from the Holy Spirit and remain in good health in order to do the extra work there. For all previous prayer requests here, those around St. Blogs, and for all my readers' int...
Catholic Carnival is up with a new entry
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Catholic Carnival 134 is up. It is being hosted by Christine of The World IMHO this week. If you think you have already read all the entries, please take another look, as my submission went to the host's spam mail again and was just posted today. There are some great posts there. My personal favorites are: USCCB on AI’s Abortion Switch From cehwiedel of Kicking Over My Traces , "Sarah R.'s Review of Infinite Space, Infinite God at just another day of Catholic pondering , and Father Valencheck's post IF YOU EXIST, PRESUME GOD LOVES YOU , which offers some good advice for discerning God's will in your life. Enjoy! Image Source
Culture of Life Quote of the Day
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“We are all members of the one human family and we must defend unborn children in our family however conceived. They may be seen as unwanted or inconvenient but they have, from moment of conception, been given the gift of life by Almighty God.” ~ Cardinal Keith O'Brien, Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh, Scotland See Head of Catholic Church in Scotland resigns from Amnesty International .
Wednesday Basics
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Today's Liturgy: Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist Mass Readings On This Day in Catholic History: 1261 - Urban IV becomes Pope, one of the last men to be elected pope outside the College of Cardinals. 1484 - Cardinal Giovanni Battista Cibo is elected Pope Innocent VIII . 2000 - Pope John Paul II endorsed organ donation and adult stem cell study but condemned human cloning and embryo experiments. Birthdays: 1632 - John Locke , English philosopher (d. 1704) 1809 - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. , American physician, poet, essayist and humorist (d. 1894) 1876 - Charles F. Kettering , American inventor (d. 1958) 1915 - Ingrid Bergman , Swedish actress (d. 1982) ( The Bells of St. Mary's , Joan of Arc ) 1936 - John McCain , American politician, R- Arizona 1959 - Timothy Perry Shriver , chairman of the Special Olympics 1977 - John Patrick O'Brien , American soccer player
Special Prayer Request
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Please join me in praying for the following special prayer request I received today: Adam, 29, and his wife are rebuilding their home in New Orleans after Katrina demolished it. Today he was working on it, and sent one young son up to the house (which is on stilts) to fetch something. When the boy didn't return, he sent the next youngest son up after him. Curious as to why they weren't returning, he went up after them, and found both lying face down in the dirt, both bitten by a poisonous snake. He called 911, and they told him it would be quicker if he drove the boys himself to the hospital. So he grabbed both under each arm, put them in the truck, and in his haste and panic, drove over and killed his 3-year-old child. Both boys ended up dying from the snake bite, so this man and his wife lost all three of their children today. Please ask the Lord to overwhelm them with graces and faith. Image Source
Good Morning, Lord!
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Image Source "My heart is steadfast, God. My heart is steadfast. I will sing and chant praise. Awake, my soul; awake lyre and harp! I will wake the dawn. I will praise You among the peoples, Lord; I will chant Your praise among the nations. For Your love towers to the heavens; Your faithfulness to the skies. Appear on high over the heavens, God; may Your glory appear over all the earth." ~ Psalm 108: 2-6
Tuesday Basics: A Delicate Rose for You, Liturgy, Mass Readings, Birthdays
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Delicate Rose Memorial of St. Augustine, bishop, confessor and doctor Today's Mass Readings Birthdays: 1774 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton , American-born Catholic saint 1821) 1828 - Leo Tolstoy , Russian writer (d. 1910) 1904 - Secondo Campini , Italian jet engine pioneer (d . 1980 ) 1917 - Jack Kirby , American comic book artist (d. 1994) 1921 - Nancy Kulp , American actress (d. 1991) 1925 - Donald O'Connor , American singer, dancer, and actor (d. 2003) 1943 - Lou Piniella , American baseball manager 1951 - Wayne Osmond , the second oldest of the original Osmond Brothers singers. 1958 - Scott Hamilton , American figure skater 1965 - Shania Twain , Canadian singer 1982 - LeAnn Rimes , American singer
St. Augustine: Biography, Favorite Quotes, and Prayers
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St. Augustine is one of my favorite saints. At age 12, I read his Confessions and was fascinated with his great love and passion for the Lord. Little did I realize at that time that eleven years later, I would stop practicing my Catholic faith and, like Augustine, it would be the long-suffering and persistent prayers of my mother that would draw me to the heart of Jesus and bring me home to my faith. Last year's post was St. Augustine, Bishop, Doctor of the Church, with insights from Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen which contains his biography. This year I would like to share a few of my favorite quotes and prayers of St. Augustine with you. FAVORITE QUOTES FROM ST. AUGUSTINE "I should not believe the Gospel except as moved by the authority of the Catholic Church."(St. Augustine, Against the Epistle of Manichaeus Called Fundamental, 5,6) "That Bread which you see on the altar, having been sanctified by the word of God IS THE BODY OF CHRIST. That chalice, or rather, wha...
Nice Matters Meme
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It's been a busy day and here I am in the wee hours of the morning just now checking my favorite blogs. What a pleasant surprise it was to receive this award from Deb! And, this really brightened up my day... I mean night. Thanks so much, Deb! Here is the criteria for this award: “This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded please pass on to seven others whom you feel are deserving of this award”. The following three have already been selected, but I did want to mention they are extra nice bloggers and worthy of another mention: 1. Deb of UKOK 2. Esther of A Catholic Mom in Hawaii 3. Margaret Mary of Margaret Mary Myers The bloggers I know are all really nice people, so its hard to select just seven, but here are my seven: 1 . Leticia 2. Sarah R. 3. Jackie 4. ParamedicGirl 5. Karen 6. Barb 7. Julie D.
AG Gonzales Resigns; OR Says "Good Riddance"
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Gonzales obstructed enforcement of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act Washington, DC - Alberto Gonzales has resigned today as United States Attorney General. Operation Rescue calls on President George Bush to appoint a replacement that will immediately enforce the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act. "We are not sorry at all to see Gonzales resign," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "Since the Supreme Court ruled that the Federal ban on partial-birth abortions is constitutional, Gonzales has done nothing but obstruct enforcement. In fact, we don't think the temporary restraining order barring the ban from going into effect has even been vacated." "Right now we don't know who is doing this illegal late-term abortion procedure. There has been no investigation or any attempt to find out if the abortionists are following the law," said Newman. "We call on President Bush to appoint an Attorney General who will enforce the ban and investigate ...
Mother Teresa Anniversary and Novena
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Mother Teresa Anniversary: September 5, 2007 will mark the 10th anniversary of the death of (Blessed) Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Priests for Life invites you to join a novena of prayer from August 27 to September 5 in her honor. At , you can download the prayer and also share your stories about how Mother Teresa has impacted your life. You will also find resources there like her 1994 speech at the National Prayer Breakfast, at which she told the Clintons that the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion.
Monday Basics: Liturgy, Saint of the Day, Mass Readings, Catholic History, Birthdays
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Memorial of St. Monica Today's Mass Readings On This Day in Catholic History: 1590 - Pope Sixtus V died. (b. 1521 ) Birthdays: 1809 - Hannibal Hamlin , Vice President of the United States of America (d. 1891) 1865 - Charles G. Dawes , 30th Vice President of the United States and Nobel Peace Prize laureate (d. 1951) 1908 - Lyndon B. Johnson , 36th President of the United States(d. 1973) 1935 - Ernie Broglio , American baseball player 1937 - Tommy Sands , American actor and singer 1955 - Diana Scarwid , American actress 1975 - Jonny Moseley , American skier Image: Sunset (in Sudtirol)
Saint of the Day: St. Monica, Patroness of Wives and Mothers
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St. Monica was born to Christian parents in present - day Algeria in 331. At the age of 13 or 14, she married an ill-tempered, adulterous pagan, Patricius. One of their children was St. Augustine. She shed many tears and prayed constantly for the conversion of her husband (who converted on his death bed), and of her son (who embraced heresy and had a son by his mistress). Monica was a virtuous mother whose perseverance in prayer and strong faith brought those whom she loved to the Heart of Jesus. She died in Ostia in 387. Prayer to St. Monica for conversion of loved one(s) Eternal and merciful Father, I give You thanks for the gift of Your Divine Son Who suffered, died and rose for all mankind. I thank You also for my Catholic Faith and ask Your help that I may grow in fidelity by prayer, by works of charity and penance, by reflection on Your Word, and by regular participation in the Sacraments of Penance and the Holy Eucharist. You gave Saint Monica a spirit of selfless love manifest...
Culture of Life Meditation: Motherhood
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"Whereas few men are called upon to become priests, all women, without exception, are called upon to be mothers...In her book, The Eternal Woman, Gertrude von le Fort writes: 'To be a mother, to feel maternally, means to turn especially to the helpless, to incline lovingly and helpfully to every small and weak thing upon this earth.' The diabolical work that has taken place since the legalization of abortion is that it has destroyed, in those tragic women who have allowed their child to be murdered, their sense for the sacredness of maternity. Abortion not only murders the innocent; it spiritually murders women. Those who devote their loving attention to these victims of our decadent society know that the wound created in their souls is so deep that only God's grace can heal it. The very soul of the woman is meant to be maternal. Once this sublime calling has been trampled upon, such women become 'unsexed'; they are 'sick unto death.' Maternity is a s...
Sunday Afternoon Respite
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Eldorado Lake We took a little drive out to Eldorado Lake today to see what it was like. This was the first time we had been there since we moved to Kansas from IL - almost two years ago. It was very peaceful and relaxing there. Both Bill and I love nature and the outdoors. When he was taking aptitude tests in junior college and was trying to discern his future plans, one of his highest results was to be a forest ranger, which I could tell without even testing him from our first date. After eating out at a nice restaurant, we had to go to a nearby park to walk and talk and enjoy the warm summer weather. Each time thereafter, we seemed to end up walking in a park or hiking on a forest trail and he had many interesting tales to tell about the trees, the plants, the insects, the squirrels, the wolves, the deer, the coyotes, the birds, the fish, and the weather. I am a nature lover and especially enjoyed fishing, hiking, climbing trees, and exploring the old Indian caves and the stream th...
Fatty Diet Linked to Infertility
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In mice, a high-fat diet damages eggs in the ovaries and prevents them from becoming healthy embryos, a finding that may help explain infertility problems in obese women, say researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia. They discovered that the main cause of diet-induced infertility in mice is a protein called peroxisome proliferator-activated gamma -- found in cells that nourish eggs, Agence France-Presse reported. "The behavior of this protein helps to determine the way in which the ovaries sense and respond to fats," said researcher Cadence Minge. "Being able to control this protein will be very important in the quest to reverse fertility caused by poor diets." She and her colleagues found that the anti-diabetes drug rosglitazone helped counter the effects of this protein in mice, resulting in better rates of fetal survival and higher birth weights. However, due to potential side effects, this drug can't be used as a "quick fix" for infer...
Movie Review: The Ultimate Gift
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When his billionaire grandfather Red Stevens (James Garner) dies, Jason (Drew Fuller) anticipates a large inheritance. Instead, he discovers that Red has devised a crash course on life. A series of tasks meant to transform Jason from a hedonistic, self-centered brat into a compassionate, loving man are included in the videotaped will, but whether that’s the gift or there’s a fortune at the end of the rainbow is something Jason will just have to wait to find out. First, he’s sent to Texas to do hard manual labor on the ranch of one of Red’s old pals (Brian Dennehey). Then his trust fund is cut off and he’s thrown into the streets where he battles a bum for a park bench and eventually makes friends with a young girl--dying of leukemia--named Emily (Abigail Breslin). A romance develops with Emily’s struggling single mom (Ali Hills). Unfortunately, their romance is interrupted by another task that leads Jason to Costa Rica, where he winds up hostage to some drug-running thugs. Bill Cobbs a...
Hillary's Psychologist
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A new name, with no national reputation, has entered conversations among Democrats contemplating a running mate for Sen. Hillary Clinton if she is nominated for president: newly elected Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland. Strickland, age 66, took advantage of the Republican implosion in Ohio to easily win election as governor after five terms in Congress, during which he attracted little attention. He evokes interest for a Clinton ticket as a moderate liberal who has a clean record and comes from a closely contested swing state that decided the 2004 presidential election. Strickland would be the first professional psychologist on a national ticket. A Methodist minister, he earned a Ph.D. in psychology before becoming a prison psychologist and then a psychology college professor. Strickland ran for Congress unsuccessfully in 1976, 1978 and 1980 before winning in 1992. Via Human Events.Com My Comments: A Methodist minister who is a psychologist.....hmmm....very interesting...a "Christian mini...
Urgent! Reporter Needs Help
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I am passing on this message from my friend, WI Catholic , a nurse, who received this message. Please pass this on to anyone who may be among those who can help the reporter. Contact Nancy Valko at the email address she has given ASAP. Dear all, I have been contacted by a reporter from a national paper who is looking for doctors, nurses or family members who have felt pressured to donate a patient's organs and are willing to speak to this reporter. Please contact me by email ASAP if you can help with this or know someone with such a story. This is an extremely important issue. Thank you! Nancy V. email:
Sunday Basics
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Sunrise at the harbour of Dumaguete, Negros Oriental, Philippines. Today's Liturgy: Twenty - First Sunday of Ordinary Time Sunday Mass Readings Homily for Today: 'Jesus Christ is the Narrow Gate' from Fr. Martin Fox On This Day in Catholic History: 1498 In Rome Italian artist Michelangelo (1475–1564) was commissioned by Pope Alexander VI to carve the Pieta. 1978 Cardinal Albino Luciani of Venice was elected the 264th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. The new pontiff took the name John Paul I. Birthdays: 1901 - Maxwell Taylor , American general (d. 1987) 1906 - Albert Sabin , American polio researcher (d. 1993) 1910 - Blessed Mother Teresa , a Roman Catholic nun who founded the Missionaries of Charity and won the Nobel Peace Prize (d. 1997) 1922 - Irving R. Levine , American journalist 1944 - Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester 1965 - Chris Burke , American actor (has Down Syndrome), (Charles "Corky" Thacher on the television series Life Goes On .)
I Can Relate to This!
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You're Confessions ! by St. Augustine You're a sinner, you're a saint, you do not feel ashamed. Well, you might feel a little ashamed of your past, but it did such a good job of teaching you what not to do. Now you've become a devout Christian and have spent more time ruminating on the world to come rather than worldly pleasures. Your realizations and ability to change will bring reverence upon you despite your hedonistic transgressions. Florida will honor you most in the end. Take the Book Quiz at the Blue Pyramid .
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Quote
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"Sex divorced from love, instead of raising man by taking him away from himself, drags him down to the hall of mirrors where he is always confronted with self. Sex does not care about the person, but about the act. The fig leaf which once was put over the secret parts of man and woman in sculpture is now put over the face. The person does not matter." ~ Servant of God Archbishop Fulton John Sheen (1895 - 1979), Those Mysterious Priests, 1974
Saturday Basics
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Optional Memorials of St. Louis of France and St. Joseph Calasanz, priest Today's Mass Readings On This Day in Catholic History: 325 The First Council of Nicea closed. 1270 King Louis IX of France died on a crusade in Tunis (b. 25 April 1215). Birthdays: 1624 - François de la Chaise , French confessor of Louis XIV of France (d. 1709) 1905 - St. Faustina Kowalska , Polish mystic (d. 1938) 1916 - Van Johnson , American Actor 1921 - Monty Hall , Canadian-born game show host 1946 - Rollie Fingers , American baseball player Image Source
Saint of the Day: St. Louis of France
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Louis IX, King of France, son of Louis VIII and Blanche of Castile, was born at Poissy, April 25, 1215. Louis was eleven years old when his father's death made him king. At that time, his mother Queen Blanche of Castile, was declared regent and remained an important influence in his life. At nineteen, he married Marguerite of Provence and the couple had eleven children. Louis was a model father and his children received careful instruction from him in the Christian life. Louis brought justice to France. When, for example, a baron hanged three students for poaching rabbits, the King's response was firm. He forced the Baron to surrender his forest, imprisoned him for a time, fined him heavily, made him build a chapel in memory of each student, and ordered him to crusade for three years in Palestine. Louis was a loving and generous king. The poorest of the poor were recipients of his charity and alms everyday. Beggars were fed from his table, he ate their leavings, washed their f...
I'm Yellow
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You Are a Yellow Crayon Your world is colored with happy, warm, fun colors. You have a thoughtful and wise way about you. Some people might even consider you a genius. Charming and eloquent, you are able to get people to do things your way. While you seem spontaneous and free wheeling, you are calculating to the extreme. Your color wheel opposite is purple. You both are charismatic leaders, but purple people act like you have no depth. What Color Crayon Are You?
More Women Open to Religious Life Today
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Interviews conducted by CNS with vocations directors as well as the results of a new survey from Vision Vocation Guide, a magazine for those discerning a religious vocation, reported an increase in women entering the religious life. The Dominican Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary in Summit, N.J., is one of those communities. They have had 15 aspirants spend time with them in the past three years to discern whether to enter the community. Of the 15 , more than half entered the Dominican or other communities and two continue in the discernment process. Other rapidly growing communities include: the Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor, Mich., the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecelia in Nashville, Tenn., and the Sisters of Life in New York, that have up to 15 young women entering each year. Other communities that recently have had a steady inflow of three to seven young postulants. Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Mich., founded in 1970; the Sisters St. Francis of the M...
Friday Basics: Today's Liturgy, Mass Readings, Catholic History, Birthdays
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Today's Liturgy: Feast of St. Bartholomew, Apostle Today's Mass Readings: On This Day in Catholic History: 1215 - Pope Innocent III declares the Magna Carta invalid. 1964 - The first Roman Catholic Mass conducted completely in English was celebrated in Saint Louis, Missouri, in Kiel Auditorium. The celebrant was Father Frederick Richard McManus of the Catholic University of America. Birthdays: 1759 - William Wilberforce , English abolitionist (d. 1833) (Amazing Grace) 1895 - Richard Cardinal Cushing , archbishop of Boston (d. 1970) 1934 - Kenny Baker , English actor ( R2-D2 in Star Wars ) 1955 - Mike Huckabee, former governor of the U.S. state of Arkansas, Baptist Minister, and Presidential candidate for 2008 U.S. election.
Saint of the Day: St. Bartholomew, Apostle
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The Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew TIEPOLO, Giovanni Battista 1722 Oil on canvas, 167 x 139 cm San Stae, Venice St. Bartholomew was born in Cana. His name means "son of Tolomai" and scholars believe he is the same person as Nathanael mentioned in John. He was brought to Jesus by the apostle Phillip. After the Ascension of the Lord, he preached the gospel in India where he was martyred in 79 A.D. The exact manner of his death is uncertain, but according to some, he was whipped severely and crucified with his head downward. He is often depicted in art as being whipped and holding in his hand his own skin. St. Bartholomew is the patron of bookbinders, butchers, corn-chandlers, dyers, glovers, furriers, leather-workers, plasterers, shoemakers, tailors, tanners, vine-growers, and Florentine salt and cheese merchants. He is invoked against nervous disorders and twitchings.
Today's Intercessory Prayers
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With minds and hearts centered on God alone, we pray: In thanksgiving for Bill's interview today. In thanksgiving for all the prayers that went out for him. For healing for Larry who had an accident at work and fell seven feet on his back (fortunately nothing is broken, but he is in a great deal of pain.) For the nurses, doctors, CNA's, and all who are caring for Larry at the hospital. For K.'s family and for a special intention for her husband. For safe travel and good weather for all those who will be attending the ordinations this weekend. That Mara's adoption of a nine year old Ukrainian girl will go smoothly. For the repose of the soul of Harry, for peace and comfort for his family, and for safe travel for those who will be attending his funeral. For Michael who has lymphoma and is undergoing tests. For repentance, healing, and conversion of all those who accept blood money from Tiller and other abortionists. For a special intention. For all previous intentions men...
Taking Tiller's Blood Money: You Can't Run, And You Can't Hide
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Wichita, KS – Day laborers working at George Tiller’s late-term abortion clinic today drew the attention of pro-lifers when they arrived in a white pick up with blue masking tape covering the business name painted on the side. “These men are more than willing to take Tiller’s blood money as long as no one knows they are doing it,” said Operation President Troy Newman. “It says a lot about a company when they cover their name in order to do business with an abortion clinic. It shows they understand that what they are doing is wrong and will likely hurt their business. There is no other reason to hide the identity of their business.” [Entire Story] There are plenty of photos of those who are willing to take Tiller's blood money. Go here and here to view the photos of those involved. Let us pray for repentance and conversion for each one of them as we view their photos. A list of those businesses and individuals who take Tiller's blood money was circulated not long ago, so ...
Blogging Around: Culture of Life
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I'm sending this post through a second time, as Technorati did not pick it up the first time. The Curt Jester posts his review on Christopher West's latest book, The Love That Satisfies. This is a book I have been wanting to read, so I was happy to hear him refer to it as "a wonderful book." Paul at Thoughts of a Regular Guy: Let me set the scene. A pair of homosexual drug dealers, Roberts & Mangini, were convicted, jailed and then paroled. One of the conditions of their probation was that they can't associate with other felons, including each other (this rule is known as Standard Condition No. 9). They sued, with the help of the (of course!) ACLU, on the grounds that they were spouses... Read more here. Wolftracker at Kansas City Catholic posts on Cures without Cloning, reporting on an effort that is underway in MO to right a wrong. Esther posts on One Reason for the Flipflopping of Local Politicians disclosing that "now we have high profile pro-choic...
Catholic Carnival 133 Up in Two Separate Posts
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This week's Catholic Carnival is hosted by Jen at Daughter of the King and is on two separate posts this week. You can find it here and here. Be sure and check out both posts. For some strange reason, Technorati is not picking up this post, even though they are supposed to pick it up automatically. I have gone in and pinged this manually more than once and they are still not picking it up. Are there problems with any of the other feeds? I don't know whether it's blogger or Technorati that is causing the problem. I have had problems with both in the past and if this continues, I will be making some changes.
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