
Showing posts from September, 2007

40 Days for Life, Days 4 and 5 Devotions

Now you can find the Devotionals at the 40 Days for Life blog. Go here to pray the devotions for days 4 and 5.

Novena to St. Therese of Lisieux: Day 9

Today's novena prayers are here.

Holy Cross College Hosts on-Campus Planned Parenthood Workshops, Awards Pro-Abortion Governor

Yet another Jesuit run college violating Catholic Church teaching Jesuit-run Holy Cross , the oldest Catholic college in New England, is hosting the 2007 Teen Pregnancy Institute with Planned Parenthood promoting teenage contraception. The Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy presents the conference every year, but by hosting the conference the Holy Cross Jesuits are sending the message that they have no qualms with its promotion of contraception and the presence of Planned Parenthood, which are intrinsically inimical to the pro-life teachings of the Catholic Church. At this year's conference - scheduled October 24, from 8AM - 4 PM - "Messages that Matter: Strengthening Prevention and Supporting Young Families," Planned Parenthood is scheduled to give 3 "workshops"; one of which includes a seminar on how to "Learn the latest and greatest of protection methods." (see copy of brochure here ) Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit has more: In addition, pro-abortio...

Raw and Edgy Poem

Here is a poem about abortion, shared by Suzanne at Big Blue Wave: The baby cries out Only in dreams of repressed desire Its melancholic wails have been silenced By the loud music of sin-darkened parties In rooms which no longer existed, men whose names Have been forgotten, and the forbidden brush of bodies. Read the rest here.

Poor Planned Parenthood!

More bad news for Planned Parenthood! Via Christina at Real Choice.

The Heaven Meme

Julian of Norwich describes heaven as a place of "eternal joy". She explains: "But we are not blessedly safe, possessing our endless joy, until we are all in peace and in love, that is to say wholly contented with God and with all his works and with all his judgments, and loving and content with ourselves and with our fellow Christians and with everything which God loves, as is pleasing to love." This meme has one question: How do you envision heaven? I envision Heaven as a place of unlimited beauty and joy. It consists of tree - filled countrysides and forests with fresh air, pristine water, mountains, cascading waterfalls, turquoise oceans with white sand beaches, and gorgeous gardens filled with the aroma of roses, gardenias, and lilacs. Colorful fruit trees and vegetable gardens are in abundance and delectable food of every kind is there if you so desire and the supply never diminishes. Every body there is perfect, but there is little focus on the appearances o...

Blogger's Quiz

H/T to Esther which she received from Divine Mercy. Here's a fun quiz made up especially for bloggers. The rules are easy. Just post the quiz on your blog and answer the questions, then pass it on to five other bloggers, and link to them in your post. Be sure to link back to the one who sent it to you. 1. Do you attend the Traditional Latin Mass or the Novus Ordo?Novus Ordo. I attended the TLM in grade school and during my freshman year in high school. 2. If you attend the TLM, how far do you drive to get there? I'm most comfortable attending Holy Mass in my own parish, where I serve as a EMHC. About twice a year the Brothers of St. John travel to this diocese and celebrate their very reverent Novus Ordo Mass with some Latin in it and I have travelled across town to attend that Mass with my other Oblates and future Oblates of the Community (about 30 - 35 minutes). I have also travelled 10 hours (one way) by car to spend the feast of St. John with my Community. Masses with the B...

Novena to St. Therese of Lisieux: Day 8

O Eternal Father, in heaven You crown the merits of those who in this life serve You faithfully. For the sake of the most pure love Your little daughter, St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, had for you - love which binds You to give her whatever she desires - listen to the petitions which she offers up to You in my behalf, and hear my prayers by granting me the grace I ask. (Optional: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.) Make my troubles your own - speak a word for me to our Lady Immaculate, whose flower of special love you were - to that Queen of heaven who smiled on you at the dawn of life." Beg her as the Queen of the heart of Jesus to obtain for me by her powerful intercession, the grace I yearn for so ardently at this moment, and that she join with it a blessing that may strengthen me during life. Defend me at the hour of death, and lead me straight on to a happy eternity. Amen.

Saturday Basics

Feast of Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels Today's Mass Readings On This Day in Catholic History: 440 - Pope Leo I became pope . 855 Pope Benedict III (???–858) became pope. 1803 The first Roman Catholic Church in Boston was formally dedicated. Catholics had been granted religious freedom by the Massachusetts constitution of 15 June 1780. 1963 The second session of the Second Vatican Council was opened in Rome by Pope Paul VI (1897–1978). This session lasted through December 4. Today's Birthdays: 1571 - Caravaggio , Italian artist (d. 1610) 1907 - Gene Autry , American actor and businessman (d. 1998) 1913 - Stanley Kramer , American film director (d. 2001) 1943 - Lech Wałęsa , President of Poland , recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize

Feast of Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels

The three Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are the only angels named in Sacred Scripture and all three have important roles in the history of salvation. Saint Michael is the "Prince of the Heavenly Host," the leader of all the angels. His name is Hebrew for "Who is like God?" and was the battle cry of the good angels against Lucifer and his followers when they rebelled against God. He is mentioned four times in the Bible, in Daniel 10 and 12, in the letter of Jude, and in Revelation. Michael, whose forces cast down Lucifer and the evil spirits into Hell, is invoked for protection against Satan and all evil. Pope Leo XIII, in 1899, having had a prophetic vision of the evil that would be inflicted upon the Church and the world in the 20th century, instituted a prayer asking for Saint Michael's protection to be said at the end of every Mass. Christian tradition recognizes four offices of Saint Michael: (1) to fight against Satan (2) to rescue the souls of th...

The World's Tiniest Living Baby

The world's tiniest baby - meet the 10oz bundle of defiance When she was born, 15 weeks premature and weighing ten and a half ounces, her father's confidence was about the only thing on Kimberly Mueller's side. In the few snatched moments he was allowed before his daughter was whisked away by doctors, Andreas Mueller spoke from his heart. "I whispered to her: 'Kimberly, you'll make it,'" he recalled. MORE


SCRIPTURE: "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all long suffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life."-- 1 Timothy 1:15b-16 REFLECTION: As a post-abortive woman, I (Carmen Pate) made this my life verse following my brokenness before the Lord and the receiving of His forgiveness. This verse is a reminder to me that I must never waste God's mercy towards me, but instead allow Him to use meas an example of His love, His patience, and His amazing grace. The Apostle Paul was the first to identify himself as the "chief of sinners." Certainly, it is easy for us to point to his record of sins and understand why he would claim this label as his own. We may wonder silently if it might more appropriately be the label for the abortionist inside the clinic, or the Planned Parenthood counselors, or the NARAL activists....

Novena to St. Therese of Lisieux: Day 7

For today's novena, go here.


Via Catholic League: September 28, 2007 MILLER OFFICERS RECEIVE S&M PHOTOS; BOYCOTT TO EXTEND BEYOND SUNDAY’S EVENT Catholic League president Bill Donohue explained the latest developments in the boycott against Miller Brewing: “Miller Brewing will now be known as S&M Miller, and that is because it has apparently decided to drop anchor with the sadomasochistic festival that it is proudly sponsoring on Sunday at the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco. It still refuses to pull sponsorship of this obscene event, knowing full well that it is making a financial contribution to an anti-Catholic group, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence; the Sisters is one of the beneficiaries of the street fair. And last night in San Francisco, the Sisters held a mock Last Supper, ridiculing all Christians. “Yesterday, we sent all eleven members of the company’s Executive Committee a sample of the kinds of sick behaviors ( click here ) S&M Miller is sponsoring; the packet was sent by overnight ...

Friday Basics

An Autumn Spectrum by Walt K. Optional Memorial of St. Wenceslaus, martyr; St. Lawrence Ruiz and Companions, martyrs Today's Mass Readings Saint of the Day: St. Wenceslaus, Martyr On This Day in Catholic History: 235 Saint Pontianus , bishop of Rome, died. 929 (or 935) King Wenceslas , ruler and patron saint of Czechoslovakia, died (b. ca. 907). 1823 Leo XII (1760–1829) was elected as pope. 1978 Pope John Paul I (b. 17 October 1912), 262nd pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church, died. Birthdays: 1889 - Jack Fournier , baseball player (d. 1973) 1901 - Ed Sullivan , American television show host (d. 1974) 1909 - Al Capp , American cartoonist (d. 1979) 1970 - Mike DeJean , American baseball player 1987 - Hillary Duff , American actress, singer

Blogging Around and Finding Everything Your Heart Desires...Well, Almost!

Culture of Life: Leticia at Cause of Our Joy shares Poetry for Forty Days for Life entitled "The Would-be Father", which focuses on the father of an aborted child and gives us a link to Lumina, a ministry for post-abortive men. Culture of Death: Suzanne at Big Blue Wave reports on a 22-year old woman from Massachusetts, who died on September 13, 2007, from hemorrhaging caused by an abortion obtained at Women Health Center in the Cape Cod town of Hyannis. The abortionist responsible for the death is reportedly Rapin Osathanondh, who made headlines in 2001 for threatening to murder five hospital nurses in a fit of rage over misplaced paperwork. Conversion Story: Blog by the Sea has an interesting post Episcopal Bishop Steenson Becoming Catholic: "This is the true home of Anglicanism." Bishop Jeffrey Steenson, the active Bishop of the Diocese of the Rio Grande in the Episcopal Church, announced today that he will become Roman Catholic. His letter to his clergy is po...

"Was John Paul II Euthanized?" - TIME Distorts Catholic Teaching to Give Credence to Outlandish Accusations

"Was John Paul II Euthanized?" The sensationalist story peddled by TIME magazine has grabbed the world's attention with the thought that the great champion of human life, the author of "Evangelium Vitae," and steadfast opponent of abortion and euthanasia, may have rejected his Church's teachings to end his life. However TIME's story warps Catholic teachings in order to make the flimsy accusations of an Italian medical professor (with an axe to grind against the Vatican) look credible at the same time the Vatican has stated food and fluids are morally obligatory medical care (see this ). MORE Most secular magazines like Time know so little about the Catholic faith they have to invent ridiculous stories like this to sell magazines. Just look at how they misinterpreted and wrote that disgusting story about Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. They don't have a clue as to what the Catholic faith is all about.


Catholic hospitals to follow Plan B law HARTFORD, Conn. - Roman Catholic bishops in Connecticut have agreed to let hospital personnel give emergency contraception to all rape victims, reversing their decision days before a new state law requires it. The church, which runs four of the state's 30 hospitals, had fought the state law requiring medical personnel to give rape victims emergency contraception, sold as Plan B, even if the women are ovulating. MORE My Comment: May God have mercy on their souls! Are you feeling like you're living in the Twilight Zone these days? You're not alone! We must pray for them! Update: Jimmy Akin responds to Bad News in Connecticut. H/T The Curt Jester. Here is The Curt Jester's original post on this controversy.

Catholic Georgetown U. to fund student internships at abortion agencies

The oldest Catholic university in the nation has changed its policy to permit grants to law students who intern with abortion agencies, such as Planned Parenthood. Law Center Dean T. Alexander Aleinikoff of Georgetown University announced the policy change Sept. 7 in a letter published in the Law Center's student newspaper. It was reported in The Hoya, the Georgetown University newspaper. The decision came after the Law Center got flack from pro-abortion students and faculty for directing student group Equal Justice Foundation to refuse funding to a student who applied to intern at Planned Parenthood. The Hoya reports that the University Law Center will no longer consider the mission of organizations in determining grants, as was the case for the initial denial of funding. "In partnership with the Equal Justice Foundation, the Law Center will provide grants to all students who work on law-related issues at a public interest organization or government agency," wrote Aleini...

Fred Thompson Blowing it

Most of the attention on the straw poll at last week's Values Voter Republican Presidential Debate was on the big winner – Mike Huckabee. The former Arkansas governor deserves the recognition he got from the delegates at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale. He entered the contest as the favorite of 35 percent of the delegates from pro-family organizations. But he finished the debate as the favorite of 63 percent. That was quite an accomplishment. There was, however, a big loser in the debate – one of the four GOP presidential candidates who decided not to show up. The big loser was Fred Thompson, who entered the evening as the favorite of 15 percent of those in attendance. When the evening was over, he had the support of just 4 percent. No other candidate lost anywhere near that kind of support as a result of his performance or, in Thompson's case, his non-performance. He also lost me. My Comments: I wasn't able to see it this last time, but my fav...

Terrorists to O'Donnell: Hang with us!

Terrorists to O'Donnell -- Hang with Us! Via

Cardinal Bertoni: The Dignity of Women

"Concrete support must be given to the right of girls and women to study and achieve professional qualifications, using appropriate positive laws to combat all forms of unjust exploitation of the female sex and the shameful commercialization of the female body. It is incumbent upon us to decry the intolerable scandal of a certain kind of sexual tourism which humiliates women, reducing them to a situation of practical slavery." ~ Cardinal Bertone, Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone S.D.B. to Francesco Frangiallisecretary general of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), September 27, 2007. Image Source via Recapturing Our Catholic Patrimony.


Catholic League president Bill Donohue announced a national boycott of Miller Beer on this morning’s “Fox and Friends.” He explains why today: “Never have we experienced greater corporate arrogance than in this dispute with the Miller Brewing Company. Miller is sponsoring an incredibly outrageous and palpably anti-Christian event in San Francisco: the Folsom Street Fair (see its website at and be prepared to see the shocking photos of what goes on). Be sure to access our website at to see the pictures not only of the fair, but of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an anti-Catholic group that is holding a mock Last Supper dinner tonight in San Francisco. The Sisters is one of the organizations that is receiving funding from this Miller-sponsored event. “This all started when we learned that Miller was sponsoring an event that featured an obscene ad thrashing the Last Supper. After being pressured, Miller offered a lame statement of regret and ...

St. Therese Novena: Day 6

For today's novena prayers, go here.


SCRIPTURE: "Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them." -- Psalm 34: 3-4, 7 REFLECTION: Fear of what man may do to us, or fear of what the future may hold, keeps many in bondage to the lies of the enemy. A young woman may fear her boyfriend won't love her if she doesn't engage in promiscuity. The young woman who has an unplanned pregnancy may fear what the future holds because she has believed the lie that her life and her future are over because of the child in her womb. The post-abortive woman may fear she is unworthy of love and deserves to be punished by both God and man. We may fear what people think or what man may do to us because we stand for righteousness, and stand in the gap for the unborn and the woman with child. But Scripture tells us to fear the Lord! In fact, the theme of the book...

Spiritual Insights from St. Vincent de Paul, Servant of the Poor

“No matter what others say or do, even if the wicked succeed, do not be troubled: commit everything to God and put your trust in him.” “Extend mercy towards others, so that there can be no one in need whom you meet without helping. For what hope is there for us if God should withdraw His mercy from us?” "You have been chosen to be at the disposition of Divine Providence and, if you do not fully submit ot It, you will loose much." "But do you know what it is to labor in charity? It is to labor in God, for God is charity, and it is to labor for God purely and entirely; it is to do so in the grace of God." "Make it a practice to judge persons and things in the most favorable light at all times and under all circumstances." "We must love our neighbor as being made in the image of God and as an object of His love." "The most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is humility. For, as he does not know at all how to employ it, neither does he know...

Baby "Goliath"

A Siberian woman who gave birth to her 12th child -- doing more than her fair share to stem Russia's population decline -- was stunned to find that little Nadia weighed in at a massive 7.75 kg (17.1 lb). MORE

Miller, This Bud's For You!

IT REALLY IS “MILLER TIME”: COLLISION COURSE BETWEEN MILLER AND CHRISTIANS Yesterday, we contacted the Miller Brewing Company protesting an obscene ad for an event it is sponsoring in San Francisco on September 30; the ad for the Folsom Street Fair depicts a sadomasochistic scene where sex toys are placed on the table of the Last Supper, flanked by half-naked homosexuals. Miller now says, “We understand some individuals may find the imagery offensive and we have asked the organizers to remove our logo from the poster effective immediately.” Catholic League president Bill Donohue responded this way: “Miller’s response (some might find mocking the Last Supper offensive?), while limp, would normally have been enough to get us off their back. But we have subsequently learned that some of the monies being raised at this event are being funneled to a notoriously anti-Catholic and misogynist group, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence ( click here ). After this development was brought to the a...

New Poll

Please particpate in the new poll I have created on the top right side of this blog. I am eager to learn about your reading habits. Thank you!

Catholic Humor

I was in line to receive Communion one Sunday, when the cell phone of the woman ahead of me went off just as the priest was giving her a wafer. The woman stammered an apology as she fumbled with the phone, trying to turn it off. Without skipping a beat, the priest said, "Tell them we don't do takeout." ~ Jennifer Whitcomb, Fairfax, Va. Via Spirit Daily .

It's a New Day! Thursday Basics

Happy Chrysanthemums by Michaels Photos Memorial of St. Vincent de Paul, priest Today's Mass Readings Today in Catholic History: 1540 Through the encyclical Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae , Pope Paul III (1468–1549; pope, 1534–1549) officially approved the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), founded in 1534 by St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491–1556). 1590 Pope Urban VII (b. 4 August 1521) died thirteen days after being chosen as the pope, making his reign the shortest papacy in history . 1660 St. Vincent de Paul , founder of the first Confraternity of Charity in 1617, the Congregation of the Mission in 1625 and the Daughters of Charity , died (b. 24 April 1576). 1700 Pope Innocent XII died (b. 13 March 1615). Birthdays: 1696 St. Alphonsus Liguori , Italian founder of the Redemptorist order, was born (d. 1 August 1787). 1866 - Blessed Eurosia Fabris Italian Catholic wife and mother; dressmaker (d. 1932) 1920 - Jayne Meadows , American actress 1949 - Mike Schmidt , American baseball pla...

Today's Intercessory Prayers

Glory be to the name of the Lord, for He cares for His chosen people with infinite love. And so we send our prayers up to him:- Lord, show us Your love. Remember your Church, Lord: keep her free from evil and make her grow perfect in your love. Make all peoples recognize that you alone are God, with Jesus Christ your Son, whom you have sent to us. May all go well with those who are near to us: bless them and give them unending life. Give solace to those who are burdened by hard labor, and uphold the dignity of those the world despises. In Your compassion, open wide Your gates for those who have left the body today, and graciously welcome them into your kingdom. We pray for the following intentions: For the success of the 40 Days for Life Campaign. For Linda W. who is suffering from liver cancer. For all the unemployed, the homeless, the poor, and the alienated. For those who are suffering from the pain of abortion. For the conversion of all our family members. For the conversion ...

St. Therese Novena: Day 5

For the fifth day of the novena, go here.

Technical Alert to Geeks: I Need A Little Help From My Friends

Gentle readers, at this time I could use your help. For some unknown reason, I have not been receiving my email notices for Catholic Carnival for the past couple of months. I have been receiving all other emails on time and shortly after they are sent. We have checked with our server - no problems there. We have had our computer checked - no problems there. We have a strong firewall, but still get spam, which we delete. I have checked with Jay, and for some reason that either one of us are aware of, I don't receive his email until two days after it is sent. This is new in the past few months. Neither one of us know how to resolve the problem. If you have any ideas, please comment below or email me. If you regularly receive these notices, would you be kind enough to please put the info in my comment box so I can participate in the Catholic Carnival? Thank you.


SCRIPTURE: "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land."-- 2 Chronicles 7:14 REFLECTION: God was responding to Solomon's prayer for the people of Israel, during the dedication of the newly built temple. The people of Israel had repeatedly turned from God and each time, God would turn them over to an enemy.The people would cry out to the Lord and God would deliver them, only to see them turn away from Him once again. This cycle was repeated over and over,demonstrating the amazing mercy of Our Lord on each occasion. (See 2 Chronicles 6: 36-40) Not unlike God's chosen people of Israel, the body of Christ, which is His church, must humble ourselves,pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways, if we expect God to hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land. The need for repentance has not been greater since ...


Question: Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I am seeking your wisdom and insight into the use of medications to conceive a new life within a Catholic marriage. I have been offering counsel regarding the use of contraception to my younger brother and sister-in-law with regards the church’s teaching and several moral theologians, however, they are now wishing to conceive and have been unable for the last year and a half. During that time I have prayerfully offered them the Pope Paul VI Institute as a resource and discussed the grave nature of choosing to use fertility drugs and in vitro fertilization to conceive. My parents and older brother/sister-in-law believe that in vitro fertilization is sinful as it is ‘unnatural’ and contrary to God’s design, however, my entire immediate family does not accept the limited information that I offer explaining that fertility drugs are also contrary to God’s design of the woman’s cycle and ‘unnatural’ in how they cause conception to occur. I fear...

What You Can Do To Stop The Obscenity

On September 30, San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair will be held. The ad for this year’s gay/leather event depicts half-naked homosexuals at a table mimicking the Last Supper. The sadomasochistic theme features sex toys displayed on the table. Catholic League president Bill Donohue explains his response today: “Kudos to Concerned Women for America for bringing this obscenity to the attention of the public. Their strategy is to get California politicians to denounce this event. Our strategy is to get Miller Brewing Company to withdraw its sponsorship. Here’s why. “There are several sponsors to this street fair, but most are local and represent niche markets; Miller is the only national household sponsor. Furthermore, Miller has a record of acceding to requests from various segments of the population that have objected to certain ads: it has bowed to the wishes of Muslims, African-American clergy, lawyers and feminists by pulling ads deemed offensive. Surely it will do the same in this i...

Joni Mitchell Attacks Catholic Church

Joni Mitchell is back after nine years, and she’s on the attack. In the title track to her new album, “Shine,” Mitchell takes a nice swipe at the Catholic Church by name. “Shine on the Catholic Church/And the prisons that it owns,” she sings. “Shine on all the Churches/that love less and less.” My Comment: I don't have a clue as to what she is referring to here. Does anyone have any idea of what to make of this?

Teenage Casualities of Casual Sex

Just a few facts that both parents and teens need to know excerpted from this article: • This year, 8 to 10 million teens will contract an STD. • Nearly one out of four sexually active teens is living with a sexually transmitted disease at this moment. • Nearly 50% of African-American teenagers have genital herpes. • Although teenagers make up just 10% of the population, they acquire 25% of all STDs. • Herpes (specifically, herpes simplex virus type 2) has skyrocketed 500% in the past 20 years among white teenagers. • One in five children over the age of 12 tests positive for herpes type 2. • Nearly one out of ten teenage girls has chlamydia, and half of all new chlamydia cases are diagnosed in girls 15 to 19 years old. • STDs accounted for 87% of all cases reported of the top ten most frequently reported diseases in the United States in 1995. • This new epidemic is not just cursing those “poor inner city kids.” No, the viruses have solidly taken up residence in the suburbs

Wednesday Basics

Liturgical Calendar Optional Memorial of Sts. Cosmas and Damian, martyrs Things to do today: Pray for those in the medical field . Find out more about the miracles attached to the relics of Cosmas and Damian. If you are close to Cambridge, MA drop in on the annual Italian festival of the healing of Saints Cosmas and Damian which has been held for the past 77 years. ( Via Catholic Culture.) Today's Mass Readings On This Day in Catholic History: 1897 - Giovanni Battista Montini was born near Brescia, Italy (d. 6 August 1978). Ordained in 1920, he was named a cardinal by Pope John XXIII (1881–1963) in 1958. When John XXIII died in 1963, the conclave elected Montini his successor on 21 June. He chose a name suggesting Christian outreach: Pope Paul VI . His fifteen years as pontiff were instrumental in bringing the Vatican II Council to a conclusion in 1965. 1997 - An earthquake strikes the Italian regions of Umbria and the Marche , causing part of the Basilica of St. Francis at As...

40 Days for Life Begins Today: What's Happening in Wichita

In Wichita, Operation Rescue and the Kansas Coalition For Life will begin participation in 40 Days For Life outside the nation’s largest late - term abortion clinic. For the next 40 days, from September 26 through November 4, pro-life supporters will be urged to maintain a constant prayer presence during every business hour at Women’s Health Care Services, the late-term abortion mill owned and operated by George R. Tiller, who is currently facing 19 criminal counts of illegal abortions, a county grand jury investigation that could net additional charges, and a disciplinary review by the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts. “We believe strongly in the power of prayer,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “In Aurora, Illinois, on the last day of their 40 Days For Life Vigil, a judge ruled that the Planned Parenthood office in that community must remain closed. It was an amazing answer to prayer.” “We will pray for the next 40 days that Tiller’s clinic will also close and that he...

Today's Intercessory Prayers

Christ the Lord lives among us and we are his adopted people. Let us praise him and offer him our prayers:- Lord, listen to us and show your greatness. Lord, king and ruler of the nations, guide all peoples and all who exercise power that they may work together for the common good, according to your laws. You conquered our captivity and took it prisoner: restore to freedom our brethren who are captive in body or in soul. May our young grow up irreproachable in your sight and may they wholeheartedly follow you when you call. Make children follow your example and move steadily forward in wisdom and grace. Take up the dead into your eternal kingdom where we hope one day to rule at your side. For our Holy Father's special intentions. For the success of 4o Days for Life. For Bill's interview later this morning. For Linda W. who is in the final stages of liver cancer. For all the prayer intentions at One Came Back. For the continuing efforts against PP in Aurora, Illinois. For the co...

St. Therese Novena: Day 4

St. Therese Novena Day 4. If you missed Day 3, go here.

I'm Back...With a Question For Each One of You

I'm back from a quick one-day trip to Missouri, where I had some unexpected and important personal business to take care of, which is why I haven't been blogging much lately. It is amazing how much news can accumulate in a day! My thanks go out to those who have made comments for de-lurking week and have stopped by to visit while I was away. One of these days, I will be purchasing a laptop. However, I have to admit that it was nice to have a brief vacation from blogging. It is rare that a day goes by without a new post. Missouri is certainly a pretty state with its many hills, forests, and beautiful lakes, but Kansas is home now, and it is where we feel most comfortable, with its bright yellow sunflowers, man made lakes, and mostly flat land When ( Father Benedict Groeschel was here for the Midwest Catholic Conference) he said,"I get along with this place. I like it. It reminds me of America when I was a boy." He explained that he likes the “solid values” and “the co...

Minute Meditation

Jesus said to the crowd:“No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel or sets it under a bed; rather, he places it on a lampstand so that those who enter may see the light. For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light. Take care, then, how you hear. To anyone who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he seems to have will be taken away.” ~ Lk 8:16-18 Image Source

Monday Basics

Monday of the Twenty-Fifth Week in Ordinary Time Our Lady of Ransom Today's Mass Readings Today in Catholic History: 366 Pope Liberius died 1143 Pope Innocent II died. Birthdays: 1724 - Sir Arthur Guinness , Irish brewer (d. 1803) 1897 - F. Scott Fitzgerald , novelist, poet, playwright, screenwriter, and author of short stories, (The Great Gatsby) (d. 1940) 1930 - John W. Young , American astronaut 1936 - Jim Henson , American puppeteer (d. 1990) 1946 - "Mean" Joe Greene , American football player 1982 - Paul Hamm , American gymnast

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